It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at
Book Journey
Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have
read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great
way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put
new titles on your reading list.
Other Than Reading...
I made a quick trip back to my winter home this week leaving Duluth on Monday and returning on Wednesday. I had a quick court date on Tuesday (less than 30 minutes) where I presented our case about our delinquent townhouse owner. We were told the judgment could take a week. I heard on Friday that we won our case. Now, he has about 6 weeks to pay or we take the next steps. This has certainly been a long process since we decided to take him to court in November, filed the paperwork in December, had our first hearing in March, our second hearing now in June, with who knows how many more steps we still have to take.
I'm back in Duluth now for a couple of months of vacation. I'm looking forward to reading, blogging, going out to eat, cooking a little, and spending time with my brother. Or course, I also need to spend time creating assessment rubrics for the Learning Goal Scales I created during our workdays at the end of the school year. I also need more Learning Goal Scales for my fall classes. There are always things to do to get ready for school in the fall.
Read Last Week
From TBR mountain, I read
Pirate's Alley by Suzanne Johnson which is an urban fantasy and the 4th in the Sentinels of New Orleans series. I thought it was exciting and I liked the chance to catch up with favorite characters again. My review will be posted on August 12.
Next I read some of my August 4 releasing review books.
I was approved at NetGalley to read
The Veil by Chloe Neill this week and immediately added it to my stack. This is a new urban fantasy series for the author. Like Johnson's book, this one is set in New Orleans. I really liked it. My review will be posted on July 29
Wolf Trouble by Paige Tyler was also a review book. This paranormal romance tells the story of the first female werewolf to join the Dallas SWAT. It was filled with macho werewolves, bank robbers, and a jealous ex. My review will be posted on July 30.
Another review book from NetGalley was
Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Marty Wingate which is the third book in her Potting Shed cozy mystery series. In this one Pru is trying to plan her wedding while solving the murder of a rival at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh. My review will be posted on August 1.
I grabbed The Undead Pool by Kim Harrison from my TBR mountain where it has been sitting since July 29, 2014. Now that this urban fantasy series is finished I want to finish it myself. This is the penultimate book and the final book in on my Kindle.
Next Week
I dug deep on TBR mountain to find
Dragonseye by Anne McCaffrey. I added it to the stack on Feb. 19, 2008 when I began my LibraryThing account. I have no idea when I really bought it. I have read many books set on her science fiction world Pern but I still have a few on the stack that I just never got to.
No Mercy by Lori Armstrong hasn't been on the stack quite so long. I added it on June 30, 2014. It is the first in the Mercy Gunderson mystery series. I remember getting the second for review, enjoying it, and deciding to get the rest of the series. Somehow, it never made it to my reading stack.
Murder on Astor Place by Victoria Thompson has been on the stack since August 25, 2014. I remember reading a review of this historical mystery and thought it sounded good. When it arrived at the start of a new school year, it got put on TBR mountain and forgotten.
Deceptions by Kelley Armstrong is the only recent arrival on TBR mountain. I have this one for review before its August 18 publication date. I have read the other books in this series and look forward to reading this one too. It is by one of my favorite authors.
Reviews Posted
Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?
I was approved for
The Veil by Chloe Neill on the 22nd. I like her Chicagoland Vampires series and wanted to read her new series too. This book will be released on August 4.
I bought
Bengal's Quest by Lora Leigh on the 23rd. I am a long-time fan of this series.
I was chosen to read
Deceptions by Kelley Armstrong at Penguin's First to Read site. I have read the earlier books in this series and am excited to read this one too. This book will be released on August 18.
I bought
Made in America by Bill Bryson on Saturday when it was a Kindle Daily Deal. I don't read much nonfiction but, when I do, Bryson is one of my go-to authors. I find his books fascinating.
To see what Young Adult books I have been reading and plan to read, check out
Ms. Martin Teaches Media - my other blog.