I spent part of today installing The Print Shop 21 so that I could make some promotional materials for my media center. I had used previous versions of Print Shop but the possibilities sure have expanded since the last version I looked at. The User's Manual must be an inch thick!
I needed to make some bookplates for books that are donated to our media center. I also wanted to make a poster to advertise our media center LibraryThing at DEHSLibrary. I want to encourage my readers to add to it. My para and I are both readers but I want to draw on the talents of the 200 or so kids in our Page Masters reading club. I want them to have some ownership.
Let's hope we get some takers.
For the readers out there, I just read Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith and thoroughly recommend it for any middle high school reader who likes fantasy, adventure, and a touch of magic. I think both girls and boys will like this one. I'll be steering those who read Tamora Pierce in this direction.
Next from the To Be Read pile is Marked by P. C. & Kristin Cast.
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