Author: Maggie Shayne
Series: A Brown and de Luca Novel (Book 3)
Publication: Harlequin MIRA (September 30, 2014)
Description: To save innocent lives, they'll have to risk their own.
Self-help superstar Rachel de Luca and Detective Mason Brown have finally given in to their overwhelming attraction to each other, but neither of them is ready to let physical passion turn into full-blown romance, so they carefully maintain an emotional distance. Then a judge's daughter disappears, and Mason has a terrible sense that it's connected to the most recent case they solved together: the abduction of Rachel's assistant.
The discovery of a string of missing women—all young, all troubled—seems like a promising lead. But there's no clear connection between the missing girls and the high-profile young woman Mason is trying to find. He realizes that once again he'll have to rely on his own well-honed instincts and Rachel's uncanny capacity to see through people's lies in order to catch a predator and rescue his captives. But can they do it before Rachel becomes his next victim?
My Thoughts: Rachel agrees to help Mason when a judge's blind 20-year-old daughter is kidnapped. The judge asks the chief to investigate quietly which seemed suspicious to Mason and Rachel too. Rachel doesn't want to admit to being psychic but she has all the hallmarks. Apparently her new senses weren't only because she got a serial killer's corneas.
Rachel uses her insight into people to help Mason who has his own cop instincts. They are sleeping together but are still resisting having a more complete relationship. But both of them are becoming unsatisfied with this arrangement. Both of them want more.
While they are busy trying to track down the judge's daughter, they soon realize that this connects to Amy's kidnapping at Thanksgiving. It is also connected to other disappearances of young girls who age out of foster care and then disappear.
As usual, Rachel puts herself in danger to help solve the case and Mason arrives in the nick of time to save her. I liked these characters and really enjoy each new adventure. It is nice seeing Rachel come to realize that she really does believe all the self-help, positive-thinking stuff she writes. I love her relationship with her aged, over-weight and blind bulldog Myrtle. I also like her growing relationship with Mason's nephews Jeremy and Josh.
This series has been growing stronger with each book. I can't wait to see what happens next for Mason and Rachel.
Favorite Quote:
And then he turned the car around, and we were off and running. And I thought to myself that it wouldn't be so bad to help him out with another case. It really wouldn't. At least I'd get to spend some time with him in the upright and unlocked position.I bought this one for my Kindle. You can buy your copy here.
This could be fun.
Right. Fun. Like, you know, jury duty. Or a smallpox outbreak. Or seeing murders in your sleep. Fun.

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