Monday, March 17, 2025

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (March 17, 2025)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Want to See What I Added to My Stack? links to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

Other Than Reading...

This week has been a temperature roller coaster. We hit a record-breaking high of 62F on Monday and currently it is 20F as I'm writing this on Sunday. We also had a third of an inch of rain on Saturday which is much better than the snow which had been predicted. Most of the ground is bare. The only remaining snow is resting in shady areas and where the snowplow deposited it. This works for me since I have a lunch out with friends on Wednesday and would prefer to drive on snow-free streets. There is, however, a slight chance of snow on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week but the high temperatures those days should be in the 40s which will mean none of the snow will stick. 

We had our taxes done last Monday and by the end of the week both my State and Federal tax refunds were in my bank accounts. It is nice to have that done for the year. Then the property tax bill arrived... Oh, well, the money isn't due until May 15 so I can luxuriate in my relative wealth until I have to write that check. 

As far as my reading goes, I have been spending a lot of time in Eve Dallas's world. The books I listened to this week are sort of a dark part of the series as Eve is dealing with more and more nightmares as she finally recalls the parts of her childhood that she has repressed. She and Roarke are also learning more about each other which sometimes results in major, heartbreaking fights. I decided to give the series a bit of a rest and listen to some of the audiobooks that are on my April calendar. 

I've been sort of skipping around in my Review books too. I have been reading A Drop of Corruption for a while since it is a dense fantasy mystery that I can only read in small chunks at a time. I have been interspersing some cozies to cleanse my palate and skipping the next fantasy on my review stack until I've finished A Drop of Corruption. I have a couple of my own books on the stack for next week and am still debating if I want to read or listen to Undone by Blake Pierce. I do have 5 Audible credits but like to spend them on books I plan to listen to more than once and I'm not sure Undone qualifies.

We have all the ingredients for Corned Beef and Cabbage to celebrate St. Patrick's Day this week, but our feast will be on Tuesday not Monday since Bill works on Monday and our housecleaner is coming that day too. Meals other than Tuesday are still undecided. Today looks to be Chinese take-out and homemade fried rice since the take-out is in the refrigerator already. 

Read Last Week
  • Purity in Death by J. D. Robb (Audiobook reread)
  • Written in Stone by Paige Shelton (Review; April 1) -- Tenth book in the Scottish Bookshop Mystery series. My review will be posted on March 27.
  • Portrait in Death by J. D. Robb (Audiobook reread)
Next Week
Reviews Posted
Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?

What was your week like?


  1. Lots of books read. You certainly get through them. I like your idea of spending your credits only on books you know you will want to relisten to at some point. Hope the snow stays away. Quite a stretch in temps there at the moment.

  2. There are several books you hav listed that I have on my want list, but I am trying to hold out buying for a few months, I have so much to catch up with. Ugh taxes...I think we all dislike them haha

  3. Ooh nice! Seeing lots of totally new to me ones here! I hope you enjoy each and every one of them this week!

    Here's my Monday Wrap-up

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Isn't it wonderful to see the end of the snow? There are spots of it at the top of the hills around here, but the valley is lovely now that the sun is shining.
    I enjoyed reading your review of The Stranger Diaries, but that's about as close want to come to the book. I want to know how it all turns out, but there is no way I can manage that kind of gothic horror!

  5. Your books look so good. Someday I want to read the JD Robb series. I read the first couple of books years ago. I hope you have a good week!

  6. Our weather has been weird too. One day sunny and warm, the next damp and cool. Rain for us today, which I am also glad wasn't snow. Lots of great books on your list this week, Kathy. Hope you enjoy them. Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  7. Coming from a place which is hot all the time, the showers don’t count as it gets hot again, I’m fascinated with change of weather the way it happens in your part of the world.
    Books on the other hand are constant and in abundance and good!

  8. Good news on the tax refunds! I got my relatively small one, but the tax issues are behind me now.

    Hope your weather improves.

    Your books look good!


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