Author: Candace Havens
Publication: Entangled: Covet (July 22, 2013)
Description: A Montana town where no one is who they seem....
Everything about runaway heiress Ainsley McLeon screamed trouble—from her luscious midnight locks to her Louboutin-clad toes. Yet sexy, stoic bar owner Luc couldn’t deny the instant connection he felt to the tempting stranger…or the long-dead feelings she evoked. She could work in his pub until her crashed truck was fixed but after that she had to leave town for good.
Ainsley traveled with her own emotional baggage and there was no way she'd fall for the bear-tempered matter how many passionate nights she spent in his bed or how safe she felt in his muscular arms. But would their fledgling affair last once she learned the truth about Luc’s secret animal side?
My Thoughts: Heiress Ainsley McLeon is fleeing gunmen who want her dead when she crashes her $500 truck into a tree in Montana. She was sure she saw a tiger in the truck bed, or, was she hallucinating. It doesn't take long for her to make a place for herself working in Luc's bar despite his surly nature and conviction that she shouldn't be there.
Luc is a bear shifter who lost his parents, wife and child in a flood while he was away working for the FBI. He is determined to protect his heart by never loving again. And, most of all, he doesn't want to fall in love with a human woman for fear of hurting her with his bear-like strength. Ainsley is feisty and smart and frightened. Someone is trying to kill her and she is afraid that it is her uncle and her brother. She overheard them talking about embezzlement.
Luc and Ainsley are so right for each other. Both have emotional baggage but both are strong people. And the chemistry between them warms up the Montana winter nicely. This was a fast-paced story filled with emotion. I found it very entertaining.
Luc is a bear shifter who lost his parents, wife and child in a flood while he was away working for the FBI. He is determined to protect his heart by never loving again. And, most of all, he doesn't want to fall in love with a human woman for fear of hurting her with his bear-like strength. Ainsley is feisty and smart and frightened. Someone is trying to kill her and she is afraid that it is her uncle and her brother. She overheard them talking about embezzlement.
Luc and Ainsley are so right for each other. Both have emotional baggage but both are strong people. And the chemistry between them warms up the Montana winter nicely. This was a fast-paced story filled with emotion. I found it very entertaining.
Favorite Quote:
For hours they talked with him, she on one side of the bed, Luc on the other. An hour or so in, she had taken his hand and Luc the other. They were three lost souls without a family and now they had one with each other.
I received this PDF from Entangled Covet in exchange for an honest review. You can buy your copy here.

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