Author: Lexi George
Series: Demon Hunter
Publication: Kensington (July 31, 2012)
Description: Shy, self-conscious Evie Douglass tries to stay under the radar, especially when petite socialite Meredith Starr Peterson, aka The Death Starr, is anywhere around. Meredith and her bitch posse of skinny girlfriends have tormented Evie about her size since seventh grade. Unfortunately, it's hard for a plus-sized gal to stay invisible in a small town like Hannah, Alabama. And then Evie finds Meredith brutally murdered. Suddenly, she's the number one suspect in a sensational murder case. Worse, Hannah is infested with demons, and the only thing standing between them and Evie is a hunky blond demon slayer named Ansgar. Evie could swear, though, that Ansgar is interested in more than demons. She could swear that he's interested in her...
My Thoughts: This book was a fun urban fantasy - rural fantasy? - and paranormal romance. Evie Douglass is used to staying under the radar and being dissed by socialite Meredith Starr Peterson. But, when she finds Meredith's body in her office, things start to change. It looks like Evie is being framed for the crime and it is up to her and her Dahlvahni lover Ansgar to save her.
Apparently, in the first book of this series, Evie and Ansgar had a relationship but when Ansgar was forced to shoot her to get a demon to leave her, he killed her. Then he brought her back to life, made her a Dahlvahni, and erased her memories of their past. He's been gone a couple of months but now he's back. To Evie, he is someone new in town. Someone really, really hot but, also, someone she doesn't know.
When Evie learns that she is now Dahlvahni and that all her friends have been keeping secrets from her, she was really angry. She goes out with another character and tries to get drunk but isn't having any success until the owner of a shady bar gives her chocolate. Turns out alcohol doesn't affect Dahlvahni but chocolate makes them high.
The story is filled with hot romance and all sorts of funny "Southernisms." I laughed out loud a number of times. I also really want to read the first and third books in this series to learn more about the stories of the other characters. The town is full of all sorts of characters from prissy Southern ladies to demons, demonoids, and fairies.
I first heard about this one when it was suggested for fans of Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series. There are some common factors - Southern setting and paranormal creatures - but this one has a slapstick humor that makes it quite different. This was a fun book to read.
Favorite Quote:
Oh, dear, Bitsy just dissed poor Nicole big time. In the South, you could say anything about another person, no matter how horrible, as long as you tacked a "bless his or her heart" on at the end of it. Like, she's so ugly, she'd make a train take a dirt road, bless her heart. Or, if brains were leather, he wouldn't have enough to saddle gnat, bless his heart.This one is from my TBR mountain. You can buy your copy here.

this one sounds pretty good, a bit different from anything else I have read.