Monday, July 25, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (July 25, 2016)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Other Than Reading... 

My stretch of quiet weeks ended this week. We had some weather excitement when a line of very strong thunderstorms came through late Wednesday night. We lost power for about 6 hours and are lucky. I'm writing this on Saturday afternoon and there are still substantial parts of Duluth that aren't expected to have power restored until Tuesday afternoon because of so many downed power lines and power poles. We also lost cable access. So I had no TV, house phone or internet until 3:30 on Thursday and it has been dropping off unexpectedly since for hours at a time.

The house hunt continues. I had one I was very interested in that was sold before my agent could get me in to see it. I have started to look for land to build my own here in Duluth. The thing about building though is that it takes so long and I am 250 miles away for most of the next year. It looks like there are lots of stressful decisions in my future.

Read Last Week
With no internet for quite a while this week, I had a chance to lower my review stack by reading three books.

Rock Wedding by Nalini Singh was released last Tuesday. It is the final book in the series she wrote about romances for the members of a band. I've read three out of four (see new books below) and liked this one the best. It was a real emotional roller coaster. The link to the review is listed below.

These Honored Dead by Jonathan F. Putnam was a historical mystery with Abraham Lincoln as one of the detectives. I enjoyed this one. It will be released on August 9 and my review will be posted on August 6.

The Damascus Threat by Matt Rees was an international thriller. It begins a new series and reminded me a lot of Tom Clancy's books but without the techno-babble. My review for this August 9 release will be posted on August 13.
My favorite authors - Sharon Lee and Steve Miller - published a new chapbook called Sleeping with the Enemy this week. It contains two stories that take place on Surebleak. One was previously published on Baen Books website but the other story was new. I enjoyed both stories but haven't reviewed them.

I also read House Rules by Jodi Picoult and was fascinated by peeking into the mind of a young man with Asperger's. I liked the way the story wove five point characters into a cohesive mystery. I was kept guessing until the end. My review will be posted on August 25.

I am currently reading Shadow Falling by Rebecca Zanetti which is a post-apocalyptic romantic suspense title. It is also the second book in a series. I got this one from Amazon Vine for review. The book will be released on August 30.

Next Week
Next week I am going to start with some of the review books on my stack with early September release dates.
Reviews Posted
Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?
I added three books to my review stack this week. I got them all from NetGalley.
I bought Sleeping with the Enemy by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. This contains two novelettes.

After reading Rock Wedding, I realized that I had never read book 3 in the series and quickly bought Rock Redemption by Nalini Singh for my Kindle to complete my collection.

To see what Young Adult books I have been reading and plan to read, check out Ms. Martin Teaches Media - my other blog.


  1. Yep, when the power goes out the best thing to do is read. I hope you find your ideal house soon. Enjoy your reading week!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my #IMWAYR.

    The Jodi Picoult looks like something I need to read and I'm interested in seeing your review on that one next month.

    Good luck with your house hunting. I hope the situation resolves soon!

  3. Oh, that was some storm! I know that we have been incredibly lucky, with not that many big storms. Just continuous heat waves from May until October or so. But I guess I'll take it.

    Good luck with the house hunt...and enjoy your reading. I loved House Rules.


  4. I'm glad your safe with all those storms. Power outages are the worst. My power has only been out for close to that length of time only once when a car crashed into the power pole. I hope you find your dream house, soon.

  5. Lots of hunky men on your book covers, lol! I read and enjoyed City of the Lost very much. I haven't read very much by Armstrong, but I imagine this is a slight departure from her usual style.

    Too bad about the storm! When we moved to this new home we didn't have internet, landline phone or tv for 6 days due to incompetence in our cable company having the wrong date of move-in so I feel your pain.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  8. I love a good rock star romance and I somehow missed the Nalini Singh series so I'll have to check that out. The Matt Rees book sounds great also. Good luck with your house hunting.

  9. All totally new to me reads! Hope you enjoy and enjoyed them all!

    Here's my Monday Wrap-up

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  10. TV and house phone I can live without but internet - no! Enjoy your week and I hope your house hunting is successful.

  11. Great list of books you have. I haven't read Jodi Picoult in a long time, but I always enjoy her books. Hope you have a great week!

  12. The Rock band one sounds interesting. Sorry your house search is not going well.

  13. All the books you read last week sound great! I've never read anything by Nalini Singh, but I've heard good things.

    I LOVE the idea of Abraham Lincoln in a murder mystery. I read Matt Rees's Collaborator of Bethlehem, which was great. I'm usually not a fan of political thrillers, but that one really pulled me in.

    Good luck with your house hunt!

  14. I hope just the right house become available. Looking forward to the Katie Ruggle book.

  15. I might be perverse but I like power cuts - any excuse to get out the candles! Good luck house hunting. We did it last year and it's stressful but so good when you find the right one. Emma

  16. Our home build took much longer than expected but it was worth it once all of the stress was behind us. Have a wonderful week!


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