Friday, April 30, 2010

April Report 2010

Here is an overview of what I read and what I got in April.
I read 21 books this month.
Young Adult
Princess for Hire by Lindsey Leavitt
Twilight the Graphic Novel by Stephenie Meyer and Young Kim
Kin (The Good Neighbors) by Holly Black and Ted Naifeh
Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken
Kith (The Good Neighbors) by Holly Black and Ted Neifeh
Mistwood by Leah Cypess
Middle Grade
The Emperor's Code by Gordon Korman
Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jim Benton
A Dangerous Engine: Benjamin Franklin, from Scientist to Diplomat by Joan Dash
A Place for Delta by Melissa Walker
Adult Books
Born to Be Wild by Christine Warren
Black Jack by Lora Leigh
Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs
Saltation by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
Changeless by Gail Carriger
Spooky Little Girl by Laurie Notaro
Broken by Shiloh Walker
Lion's Heat by Lora Leigh
A River in the Sky by Elizabeth Peters
Changes (Dresden Files, Book 12) by Jim Butcher
Burning Lamp by Amanda Quick

And I'm currently reading Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts. 
This month I added 89 books to my LibraryThing account.
Right now 71 are still TBR.
Young Adult - 23
Middle Grade - 9
Kindle Books - 27
Progress on Challenges

2010 YA Debut Author (Goal = 24 books)
January I read 3
February I read 3
March I read: 4
April I read: 3
Total to Date: 13

2010 YA Reading Challenge (Goal = 25)
January I read 7
February I read 5
March I read: 7
April I read: 8
Total to Date: 19

Flashback Reading Challenge (Goal = 6)
January I read: 0
February I read: 1
March I read: 2
April I read: 0
Total to Date: 3

2010 E Book Reading Challenge (Goal = 20)
January I read 4
February I read 1
March I read: 13
April I read: 1
Total to Date:19

RYOB Reading Challenge (Goal = 100)
January I read: 16
February I read: 12
March I read: 19
April I read: 17
Total to Date: 64

2010 TBR Reading Challenge (Goal = 12)
January I read: 3
February I read: 1
March I read: 0
April I read: 1
Total to Date: 5

Bottoms Up Reading Challenge (Goal = 36)
January I read 3
February I read 3
March I read: 0
April I read: 1
Total to Date: 7

In the Middle Reading Challenge (Goal = 10)
January I read: 3
February I read: 3
March I read: 3
April I read: 4
Total to Date: 13

Mostly this month was a good reading month. One week was a little disturbed by my attendance at two conferences about children's and young adult books. The conferences were great but they added to my TBR stack rather than allowing me to reduce it.

I also did not do well on reading books that have been on the TBR stack for a while for the Bottoms Up Challenge. I also only read one book on my Kindle this month. I just have one more e-book to read to complete that challenge and raise the number of completed challenges from one to two. I did complete the In the Middle Challenge this month but I am still going to keep track of the number of middle grade books I read.



  1. Holy cow that's a lot of books! I hope May is just as great for you :)

    Tara SG - 25 Hour Books

  2. Wow! That's impressive :-)

  3. Wow, you had a great month! Very productive!

    Hope May is just as good for you. Happy reading!

  4. I adored Twilight the graphic novel... it makes me wish there was an anime Twilight in the works!=)


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