Monday, December 31, 2012

December Reading Report

Time for the last report of 2012 and a brief look at the whole year statistically. 

I will finish book number 20 of the month later today but I'm writing this at 9:30 AM and have completed 19 books with a total of 6986 pages. Nine of the books I read were young adult books; ten books were adult books. Nine of the books were review books and the other ten were off my TBR mountain. I was excited to finally get a chance to read at least a few of the books that have been waiting until I caught up on review book reading. 
My favorite adult books this month were She Can Tell by Melinda Leigh and The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts.
My favorite young adult books were Aurelia by Anne Osterlund and Fire Season by David Weber.

I added 60 books to my stack this month including fourteen review books. I did save some space though on my crowded bookshelves by making 40 of the new books ebooks on my Kindle. My TBR mountain currently sits at 1473. The last couple of days have been the worst. I added 19 books including seven review books and quite a number of sale books for my Kindle. 

2012 in (very brief) review:
  • I read 270 books
  • I read 86,973 pages.
  • I read 175 review books
  • I added 620 books to my LibraryThing account
  • I weeded my bookshelves and removed 1500 books (most of which were donated to my local Friends of the Library group for their annual sales)
For a more detailed look at my 2012 reading, here is my Google Docs spreadsheet.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (Dec. 31, 2012)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I had a very good and relaxing reading week. Staying home for the holidays removed *so* much stress from my life. Here is what I finished:
Delusion by Laura L. Sullivan was young adult historical fiction with magic. I didn't really care for this one because, while it had wonderful writing, the characters all felt like cardboard to me. My review will be posted on Jan. 3.

The 13th Sign by Kristin O'Donnell Tubb was a middle grade review book. I liked the characters and the level of adventure in this one and think middle grade students will too. My review is here.
Mortal Ties by Eileen Wilks is an adult urban fantasy. I really liked this episode in the series. Fans of urban fantasy should check out the series because it has great characters. My review is here

Redoubt by Mercedes Lackey is a science fiction novel and is also the fourth book in the series. I have been reading her Valdemar books for years and this one was a good entry into that long-running series. My review will be posted on Jan. 3.
Cleopatra Ascending by Maureen Lipinski was a young adult review book I got from NetGalley. I liked the story pretty well but I thought there were some issues with the pacing of the novel. My review will be posted on Jan. 5.

Pale Demon by Kim Harrison was pulled from my TBR mountain. I want to catch up with this series before I read the lastest book which I have for review from Amazon Vine. These books are also filled with great characters. I love Rachel Morgan. She seems so well-rounded with weaknesses as well as awesome powers. My review will be posted on Jan. 5
I am currently reading A Perfect Blood by Kim Harrison which is the most recently published book in the Rachel Morgan series. I am enjoying it. 

I have ambitious plans for next week since I am still on holiday break until Thursday. Here is what is on my stack.
Circle of Lies by Sara Dailey and Staci Weber, Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus, and Ever After by Kim Harrison are on my adult review stack.
Cold Days by Jim Butcher and Cold Fire by Kate Elliott are adult books from my TBR mountain.
Black Ice by Andrew Lane is the next on my YA review stack. Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers and Divergent by Veronica Roth are YA books from my TBR mountain. 

What are you planning for next week? I hope you get lots of reading done. Happy New Year's and have a safe and prosperous 2013.

Stacking the Shelves (Dec. 30, 2012)

Tynga of Tynga's Reviews has a meme to spotlight the books we receive each week. Visit her site to check out the linky and see what everyone gets. I guarantee that your TBR pile will grow.
Here is what I added to my epic TBR mountain this week.
For review:
Shattered Souls by Delilah Devlin was an Amazon Vine pick and will be released on Jan. 29. I liked the idea of an urban fantasy/romantic suspense combination since those are two of my favorite kinds of books. 

The Buckhorn Legacy by Lori Foster was also an Amazon Vine pick. This is a reprint of an older title that was released on Oct. 23. I am a fan of Lori Foster and have never read this series of romances. 
Not Quite Dating by Catherine Bybee was also an Amazon Vine pick. This one is a romance that was released on Nov. 13.

Circle of Lies by Sara Dailey and Staci Weber was a review book that I accepted back in October from Burroughs Publishing. The ebook didn't hit my inbox until this past week. The book was released on Dec. 20. 

Then there were the books I bought:
Risky Business by Nora Roberts was on sale for the Kindle for $1.99. I am a big Nora Roberts fan and don't think I have read this older title. Or, at least, I don't currently have a copy. 

Forever Buckhorn by Lori Foster was also on sale for $1.99. I actually bought this one before I had a chance to get another book in the series for review. I hope I like the series!
I had pre-ordered The Trouble with Fate by Leigh Evans after having the book recommended to me. It arrived this week as well.

Finally, I bought The Complete Guide to Evernote in Education by Nicholas Provenzano for my Kindle. I follow his blog The Nerdy Teacher and am curious to learn more about using Evernote with my students. 

What did you add to your stack this week?

BTW - Congratulations to Kimberly who won the book of her choice from the Book Depository on my stop of the Mid-Winter's Eve Giveaway Hop.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Book Review: Mortal Ties by Eileen Wilks

Mortal Ties
Author: Eileen Wilks
Publication: Berkley; Original edition (October 2, 2012)

Description: “Eileen Wilks is a truly gifted writer,” (Romance Junkies) and her Novels of the Lupi have drawn readers into a seductive world of action, suspense, and passion. Now, FBI agent Lily Yu tracks a traitor into the darkest shadows yet…

FBI agent Lily Yu is living at Nokolai Clanhome with her fiancé, lupi Rule Turner, when an intruder penetrates their territory, stealing the prototpye of a magical device the clan hopes will be worth a fortune--if a few bugs can be worked out . . .

But the protoytpe can be dangerously erratic, discharging a bizarre form of mind magic—and it looks like the thief wants it for that very side effect. Worse, whoever stole the device didn’t learn about it by accident. There’s a Nokolai traitor in their midst.

Lily and Rule have to find the traitor, the thief, and the prototype. One job proves easy when the thief calls them--and his identity rocks Rule’s world. 

As they race to recover their missing property, they find Robert Friar’s sticky footprints all over the place. Robert Friar--killer, madman, and acolyte of the Old One the lupi are at war with--an Old One whose power is almost as vast as her ambition to rock the entire world . . .

My Thoughts: This was another action-packed entry into the Lupi series beginning shortly after the events of DEATH MAGIC. Lily learns more about her mate Rule. Rule learns more about himself and his family. And they have to battle Robert Friar again. What makes this series so entertaining for me is the quality world-building and the strong characters. While Lily and Rule are my favorites, I also adore Cullen, Cynna, and Grandmother. 

This episode concerns the theft of a device that Cullen is inventing which has some bugs. It causes normal, ungifted human beings to see very vivid hallucinations. However, that doesn't explain why Robert Friar and a couple of rival groups of elves want it.

I like that Lily and Rule are both adults and both know that they have to work at their relationship even though they have this spiritual bond given to them by the Lady who is the goddess of the Lupi. Watching them negotiate and compromise for each other adds depth to the story.

Rule also comes to terms with his dual role as Lu Nuncio to Nikolai and Rho to Leidolf. He has been balancing these two conflicting roles for a couple of books but in this one he has to make and accept some choices. It doesn't help that he has to do this while dealing with the emotional upset of learning that he has a human half-brother who happens to be the thief who stole Cullen's magical widget. 

Lily is also still dealing with the ghost of Al Drummond - an FBI agent that went bad, was killed, and now is somehow linked to her. She doesn't know if she can trust him or if he is still playing for the wrong team. I liked that we had multiple viewpoints in this book and that Drummond's was one of them. 

The preview to the next book in the back of this one has me very eager to find out what happens next for these characters. I think readers of urban fantasy will very much enjoy this series. But, don't start with this one, pick up TEMPTING DANGER and join the fun at the beginning.

Favorite Quote:
"I would very much like to handle the questioning. Thank you." Not that he was doing it to please her. No, he had something else in mind, and maybe she'd guessed what that was. One of his goals, anyway. Isen wasn't a two birds with one stone kind of guy. More like one stone, two birds, a rabbit, a fox, and maybe that deer will trip over the fox and we can get him, too. 
I am a big fan of this series and bought this book. You can buy your copy here.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday Memes: Mortal Ties by Eileen Wilks

Happy Friday everybody!
Book Beginnings on Friday is now hosted by Rose City Reader. The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice. Check out the links above for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

This week I am spotlighting a book from my TBR mountain - Mortal Ties by Eileen Wilks. This one has only been on the mountain since Oct. 2, 2012 but it was one of my most anticipated books of the year. It is the ninth book in the World of the Lupi series.

Here is the description:
“Eileen Wilks is a truly gifted writer,” (Romance Junkies) and her Novels of the Lupi have drawn readers into a seductive world of action, suspense, and passion. Now, FBI agent Lily Yu tracks a traitor into the darkest shadows yet… 

FBI agent Lily Yu is living at Nokolai Clanhome with her fiancé, lupi Rule Turner, when an intruder penetrates their territory, stealing the prototpye of a magical device the clan hopes will be worth a fortune--if a few bugs can be worked out . . . 

But the protoytpe can be dangerously erratic, discharging a bizarre form of mind magic—and it looks like the thief wants it for that very side effect. Worse, whoever stole the device didn’t learn about it by accident. There’s a Nokolai traitor in their midst. 

Lily and Rule have to find the traitor, the thief, and the prototype. One job proves easy when the thief calls them--and his identity rocks Rule’s world.  

As they race to recover their missing property, they find Robert Friar’s sticky footprints all over the place. Robert Friar--killer, madman, and acolyte of the Old One the lupi are at war with--an Old One whose power is almost as vast as her ambition to rock the entire world . . .
Lily Yu hadn't planned to visit the graveyard at sunset. It just worked out that way.
Friday 56:
Either David had caught on or he was truly appalled. "You want me to physically restrain a Chosen? Rule's Chosen?"

"She's not going to shoot you," Cullen called back. "I don't care what she says, she won't shoot."

That made Lily grin as she picked her way down the path. "I don't threaten what I won't do."

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mid-Winter Giveaway Hop (IoD)

It's time for the....
Third Annual - Mid-Winter's Eve Giveaway Hop
December 21st to 27th

Now is your chance to get the book Santa forgot to put under the tree. The winner of this hop can choose any book up to a $15 US value that the Book Depository ships.

  • Live where the Book Depository ships
  • Be over age 13
  • Be a GFC follower of this blog
  • Fill out the form below.

Good luck and happy holidays!

Book Review: Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison

Black Magic Sanction
Author: Kim Harrison
Publication: Harper Voyager; 1 edition (February 23, 2010)

Description: Rachel Morgan has fought and hunted vampires, werewolves, banshees, demons, and other supernatural dangers as both witch and bounty hunter—and lived to tell the tale. But she's never faced off against her own kind . . . until now. Denounced and shunned for dealing with demons and black magic, her best hope is life imprisonment—at worst, a forced lobotomy and genetic slavery. Only her enemies are strong enough to help her win her freedom, but trust comes hard when it hinges on the unscrupulous tycoon Trent Kalamack, the demon Algaliarept, and an ex-boyfriend turned thief.

It takes a witch to catch a witch, but survival bears a heavy price.

My Thoughts: Rachel seems to go from one crisis to another is this the eighth book in the Rachel Morgan series. We begin the book with Rachel shunned by the Coven - an association of white witches - for using demon magic. They want her dead or, if not dead, at least sterilized and lobotomized (which probably isn't a word even though it doesn't raise a spelling flag). Naturally, Rachel is not in favor of this action. 

She is also busy learning more about her demon heritage, discovering new talents, and frantically pretending to be "normal." Al, the demon who has taken Rachel as his student, assigns Pierce to be her bodyguard. Pierce is also a black witch and Al's familiar. He is way to eager to use black magic for Rachel's tastes but she likes him. She doesn't want to get close to him because of her previous bad experiences. The men she loves either die or betray her. 

Rachel is cautious in choosing those she can trust. Ivy and Jenks are the inner circle. This book kept Ivy as very much a side character but Jenks got a larger role. This is the story when his beloved Matalina dies. But unlike most pixies, Jenks doesn't follow her into death. Rachel isn't willing to let him leave her and uses extraordinary measures to convince him that she needs him.

The story was exciting and twisty. It both resolves some old issues and sees Rachel learning and accepting her new powers. Fans of the series won't want to miss this one. 

Favorite Quote:
Together Ivy and I looked at the innocuous-seeming thing. The knots were hard under my fingertips, the hari they were made from silver and black  It tingled as if the power was leaking out. Elven magic. Wild. Unpredictable. God, I hoped I wasn't making a mistake. Trent had mad it, and I didn't know how good--or evil-- he was. Knowledge is power. Frowning, I fingered the first knot. Ignorance is bliss.

But curiosity--even if it had killed the cat--was king, and heart pounding, I moved the box from the bed and sat down. "You won't leave?"
I bought an copy and had it autographed at a book signing a couple of years ago. You can buy the book here

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

WoW: Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. This is where we can post our links and see what books others are waiting for. It spotlights upcoming releases.

This week I am waiting for Magic Bites: A Special Edition by Ilona Andrews. I have the original book but am eager to get this one because of the extras and because it is trade paperback sized which is easier reading for me than mass market paperbacks.

Here is the description:
New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews invites you to experience the first novel in the “intriguing world” (Locus) of Kate Daniels with this special edition of Magic Bites...

Kate Daniels is a down-on-her-luck mercenary who makes her living cleaning up magical problems. But when Kate’s guardian is murdered, her quest for justice draws her into a power struggle between two strong factions within Atlanta’s magic circles. Pressured by both sides to find the killer, Kate realizes she’s way out of her league—but she wouldn’t want it any other way…

This special edition includes in-depth information about the world of Kate Daniels, with descriptions of its characters and factions. Explore Kate’s Atlanta like never before with answers to FAQ and a quiz to find your place there. And don’t miss the prequel story “A Questionable Client,” as well as scenes of events in Magic Bites from Curran’s point of view.
This book will be released on Dec. 31 and should be waiting for me when I get back home from my Christmas Break.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Teaser Tuesday: Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers.

My teaser is from a book that has been on my TBR mountain since Feb. 25, 2010. I chose Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison. This is the eighth book in the Rachel Morgan series. I also happen to have an autographed copy of the book since a friend and I took a road trip to the Twin Cities to attend her author signing.
Here is the description:
Rachel Morgan has fought and hunted vampires, werewolves, banshees, demons, and other supernatural dangers as both witch and bounty hunter—and lived to tell the tale. But she's never faced off against her own kind . . . until now. Denounced and shunned for dealing with demons and black magic, her best hope is life imprisonment—at worst, a forced lobotomy and genetic slavery. Only her enemies are strong enough to help her win her freedom, but trust comes hard when it hinges on the unscrupulous tycoon Trent Kalamack, the demon Algaliarept, and an ex-boyfriend turned thief.

It takes a witch to catch a witch, but survival bears a heavy price.
Sentencing? Fear slid through me, and at my alarmed expression, Brooke smiled. They were railroading me into custody because a trial would bring it out into the open that witches ere an offshoot of demons  Humans would massacre us in our sleep like thy once had vampires.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (Dec. 24, 2012)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I had a very slow reading week this past week. It was slowed down by an emergency room visit and an overnight hospital stay. I am home now but had to cancel my Christmas travel plans. I am planning on a quiet holiday break with lots of relaxing and reading time.

I read:
Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison is the eighth book in the Rachel Morgan paranormal series. I liked it but found it more an exploration of Rachel's growing powers than an action-oriented story. Although Rachel did manage to get kidnapped and otherwise attacked a number of times. My review will be posted on Dec. 27.

Splintered by A. G. Howard was an eARC that I got from NetGalley. This young adult paranormal builds onto Alice in Wonderland. Alyssa is a descendant of Alice who has to travel to Wunderland to defeat a curse that causes the women in her family to go insane. This one was darker than Alice but had a very nice romance. My review for this one will also be posted on Dec. 27. The book will be released on Jan. 1.
I am currently reading Mortal Ties by Eileen Wilks. I love this urban fantasy series with magic, romance and werewolves. 

Next week these are the ones at the top of the pile. These are review books:
Delusion by Laura L. Sullivan will be released on Jan. 8.
The 13th Sign by Kristin O'Donnell Tubb is also being released on January 8. Both of these are young adult books. 
Cleopatra Ascending by Maureen Lipinski is also a young adult with a Jan. 8 release date. I got this one from NetGalley.
Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus is an adult mystery which will be released on January 15.

I also want to read some more from my TBR mountain. These are the adult books on the top of that stack.
Cold Days by Jim Butcher
Cold Fire by Kate Elliott
Pale Demon by Kim Harrison
Reboubt by Mercedes Lackey

What do you plan to read as 2012 comes to a close?

Stacking the Shelves (Dec. 23, 2012)

Tynga of Tynga's Reviews has a meme to spotlight the books we receive each week. Visit her site to check out the linky and see what everyone gets. I guarantee that your TBR pile will grow.
This week was an all science fiction week. Here are the three books I got:
I got Star Trek novel Prime Directive by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens. I recently read an article that said this was one of the best Star Trek books. I used to read these all the time but somehow missed this one. 

I got Shadow Ops: Control Point by Myke Cole after hearing him speak on a podcast about adding current military practice to science fiction novels. I thought, since I like science fiction and paranormals, I would give his first novel a try. Anything where the blurb starts: "Army Officer. Fugitive. Sorcerer." will catch my attention.

I also got a copy of John Scalzi's Old Mans War for my Kindle. I like the story when I read it a while ago and wanted to have a handy copy. Also this is a warm-up for the newest book in the series which will be coming soon. It was $2.99 when I bought it but I see it is back to $7.99 again now.

What did you get this week?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Book Review: The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts

The Perfect Hope
Author: Nora Roberts
Publication: Berkley Trade (November 6, 2012)

Description: A new novel of starting over and star-crossed love.

#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts introduces you to the Montgomery brothers—Beckett, Ryder, and Owen—as they bring an intimate bed-and-breakfast to life in their hometown.

Ryder is the hardest Montgomery brother to figure out—with a tough-as-nails outside and possibly nothing too soft underneath. He’s surly and unsociable, but when he straps on a tool belt, no woman can resist his sexy swagger. Except apparently Hope Beaumont, the innkeeper of his own Inn BoonsBoro…

As the former manager of a D.C. hotel, Hope is used to excitement and glamour, but that doesn’t mean she can’t appreciate the joys of small-town living. She’s where she wants to be—except for in her love life. Her only interaction with the opposite sex has been sparring with the infuriating Ryder, who always seems to get under her skin. Still, no one can deny the electricity that crackles between them…a spark that ignited with a New Year’s Eve kiss.

While the Inn is running smoothly, thanks to Hope’s experience and unerring instincts, her big-city past is about to make an unwelcome—and embarrassing—appearance. Seeing Hope vulnerable stirs up Ryder’s emotions and makes him realize that while Hope may not be perfect, she just might be perfect for him…

My Thoughts: THE PERFECT HOPE was a wonderful conclusion to the Inn Boonsboro Trilogy. This is Hope and Ryder's romance. It is also the conclusion to Lizzy and Billy's story. 

We have been watching Hope and Ryder spar and interact since the first book of the series - when they are not avoiding each other. They seem a very mismatched couple. Ryder is not a talker or fan of social interaction. He is abrupt and brutally frank. Of course, he is also handsome, loyal, hard-working and surprisingly perceptive. Hope is an innkeeper. She is beautiful, smart, socially adept, hard-working and loyal to her friends. Hope seems to Ryder to be a sophisticated city girl. Ryder prefers spending time at his house in the woods with his dog Dumbass as his only companion. 

It was fun to watch Hope and Ryder's relationship grow and see it transition from a strictly sexual, no-strings-attached relationship to a deep loving one. Of course everyone around them could see where the relationship was headed but both Hope and Ryder were stubbornly refusing to see.

Hope's former boyfriend - the jerk who was stringing her along while pursuing a relationship with a woman in his social class - shows up. Jonathan tries to lure her back into her old job at the family hotel and into a new, formal relationship as his mistress. Hope is angry and insulted and turns to Ryder to show Jonathan that she has moved on and chosen someone better. Ryder is willing to play along since he has been reluctantly attracted to Hope since she first came to Boonsboro.

The relationship escalates when Jonathan's new wife comes to town and accuses Hope of having a continuing relationship with Jonathan. She throws a fit and actually slaps Hope. Since she chose to have this fight in the parking lot of the inn, she has quite an audience including Ryder who is rehabbing the building next door and Ryder's mother who is Hope's boss at the inn. Ryder takes it upon himself, without consulting with Hope, to deal with the problem of Jonathan and his new wife. This creates the biggest conflict in Hope and Ryder's relationship because Hope is angry that he didn't talk to her before taking action.

The resolution of the on-going plot of the ghost who haunts the inn and who is searching for her lost love is also resolved in this story. I will have to say that the resolution brought me to tears. Roberts has a way of writing emotional scenes that always works for me.

The strengths of this story for me were the the strong relationships among the characters. Hope and her best friends Clare and Avery, Ryder and his brothers Beckett and Owen, the brothers relationship with their mother, the women's with their men, and especially the relationship the brothers had with Clare and Beckett's three young sons all added to the story. This whole trilogy was about building the bonds of love and family.

Fans of contemporary romance and fans of Nora Roberts will not be disappointed in this final book in the Inn Boonsboro series. I loved it and look forward to reading the whole series - THE NEXT ALWAYS, THE LAST BOYFRIEND, and THE PERFECT HOPE - again when I need some feel-good romance.

Favorite Quote:
"I would. I'd never do to anyone what Jonathan did to me. I do think about him. I'm just not sure what it means. Maybe I worry about what it could mean. I don't know. I thought it would all be simple."

"It's never simple." Avery slid an arm around Hope's waist. "It shouldn't be. Because being with someone should matter enough to be at least a little bit complicated. Are you going to the movies?"
I bought this one. You can buy your copy here.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday Memes: The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts

Happy Friday everybody!
Book Beginnings on Friday is now hosted by Rose City Reader. The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice. Check out the links above for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

This week I am spotlighting The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts. This one is from my TBR mountain and is the third book in the Inn BoonsBoro trilogy. I really enjoy Nora Roberts' romances. Here is the description:
A new novel of starting over and star-crossed love.

#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts introduces you to the Montgomery brothers—Beckett, Ryder, and Owen—as they bring an intimate bed-and-breakfast to life in their hometown.

Ryder is the hardest Montgomery brother to figure out—with a tough-as-nails outside and possibly nothing too soft underneath. He’s surly and unsociable, but when he straps on a tool belt, no woman can resist his sexy swagger. Except apparently Hope Beaumont, the innkeeper of his own Inn BoonsBoro…

As the former manager of a D.C. hotel, Hope is used to excitement and glamour, but that doesn’t mean she can’t appreciate the joys of small-town living. She’s where she wants to be—except for in her love life. Her only interaction with the opposite sex has been sparring with the infuriating Ryder, who always seems to get under her skin. Still, no one can deny the electricity that crackles between them…a spark that ignited with a New Year’s Eve kiss.

While the Inn is running smoothly, thanks to Hope’s experience and unerring instincts, her big-city past is about to make an unwelcome—and embarrassing—appearance. Seeing Hope vulnerable stirs up Ryder’s emotions and makes him realize that while Hope may not be perfect, she just might be perfect for him…
With a few groans and sighs, the old building settled down for the night.
The Inn BoonsBoro is almost a character in its own rite in this trilogy (along with the resident ghost) so it makes sense that the first sentence is about it.

Friday 56:
"Hope." He trailed a fingertip down her arm before she could shift away. "Let me take you to lunch after the tour. It's been much too long."

Not long enough. "Jonathan, I'm working."
Hmm? I think I'm seeing the old boyfriend who betrayal caused Hope to come to town to work at the new Inn.