Monday, April 2, 2018

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (April 2, 2018)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I will be combining my YA and adult reading and purchases on this one weekly roundup. YA and middle grade reviews will still be posted on  Ms. Martin Teaches Media - my other blog.

Other Than Reading...

I'm writing this on Saturday morning. We were supposed to have a "snowmageddon" last night that disappointingly amounted to less than 2 inches. Admittedly, I'm the only one in my house disappointed. My brother, who runs the snowblower, was glad not to have to clear the snow before he went to work. However, temperatures are cold and expected to stay that way for a few days. The Easter Bunny will need a parka and Easter bonnets should come equipped with ear flaps.

I had an eye doctor appointment this week and was pleased that I didn't need to buy new glasses as the change was too slight to require it. I also learned the progress of the slow-growing cataract in my left eye and that I had no other vision issues. The doctor said I didn't have to return for two years unless there was a major change in my vision.

Otherwise, it was a quiet week. I was mostly at home reading and watching baseball.

March Report

I read a book a day in March which totaled 10,375 pages. Twenty-three of the books I read this month were Review books. Eight were mine but only one qualifies as coming off TBR mountain. Most of the books I read were recent purchases. Twenty-six of the 31 books I read were ebooks on my Kindle.

I added 36 books this month. Of the 36, 32 were ebooks including 17 new additions to my review stack. 26 of the books are on TBR mountain.

Read Last Week
  • Pairing a Deception by Nadine Nettmann - Nice cozy mystery for wine lovers. My review will be posted on April 26.
  • The Other Lady Vanishes by Amanda Quick - Nice characters and 1930s setting. My review will be posted on April 30.
  • Better Off Read by Nora Page - Great main character. My review will be posted on April 28.
  • Cake and Punishment by Maymee Bell - Nice mystery and great sounding recipes. My review will be posted on May 3.
  • No Cure for the Dead by Christine Trent - Historical mystery starring Florence Nightingale. My review will be posted May 2.
  • The Lies They Tell by Gillian French - Twisty mystery set in Maine. My review will be posted April 27.
  • Bloodborn by Karen Kincy - Werewolf story. My review will be posted on May 2.
Mayfly by Jeff Sweat - I abandoned this near future dystopia because it didn't grab my attention in the first 50 pages. I kept trying to reconcile the major loss of civilization, i.e. tribes forming, with being able to scavenge houses and still find medicine and couldn't make it work.

Flowers and Foul Play by Amanda Flower (May 8)
Next Week

Mostly from my review stacks
 Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire (Mine)
The Plastic Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg (May 15)
The Queen of Sorrow by Sarah Beth Durst (May 15)
The Game Can't Love You Back by Karole Cozzo (May 15)
Onyx & Ivory by Mindee Arnett (May 15)
Reviews Posted

On Inside of a Dog:
Better Homes and Corpses by Kathleen Bridge
The School for Psychics by K. C. Archer
A Death of No Importance by Mariah Fredericks
A Glimmer of Hope by Steve McHugh

On Ms. Martin Teaches Media:
Elementals: Ice Wolves by Amie Kaufman
The Window by Ameliz Burnskill
They Lost Their Heads! by Carlyn Beccia

Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?

The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer
Sebastian by Anne Bishop

New Review
Island of the Mad by Laurie R. King (June 12)
Burning Ridge by Margaret Mizushima (Sept. 11)

What was your week like?


  1. You're lucky your eyes don't get tired from all your reading! Mine do, especially since I spend time in front of the computer for work. Island of the Mad caught my attention. I hope you love your new books!

  2. I am impressed with all the books you eyes protest, but it's not a need for a change in my glasses or my cataracts...also slow going. I guess the fatigue just happens.

    Enjoy those books and your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Nice selection you have here! Going to read the synopsis of a few that caught my eye ;) Thanks

  4. Yay about your eyes! I'm so impressed with your reading -- retirement agrees with you!

  5. So many different and interesting types of books! Enjoy your reading!

  6. Your reading rate is like mine :-)
    Good news from your optician which must have been a relief and let's hope we've seen the last of the snow for this year!

  7. Great list of books! Cake and Punishment really looks good. I have that one too. Hope you have a great week!

  8. I'm also enjoying the main character in Better Off Read. I'm hoping to finish my ARC this week!

  9. I'm ready for spring and gardening, but we woke up to some snow today. Glad to hear your eye appointment went well.

    Thanks for sharing these great books. Added A Death of No Importance to my Goodreads list.

  10. I have Better Off Read on my wishilst. This week we're expecting more rain. Come see what I'm reading

  11. Oh, I totally understand the whole only slightly changed prescription in glasses :) And oh, Discount Armageddon and Onyx & Ivory! I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

  12. Great news on your eyes. I hope I get that same report. We are expecting up to six inches of snow this week. Looking forward to what you think about The Other Lady Vanishes. Have a great week.

  13. Good news on the eyes front. Judging from the blogs seems like you the only one disappointed 're lack of snow!!

  14. I have high hopes for The Lies They Tell. And I think The Window is my next read...

  15. You've reminded me I have to post my review for School for Psychics! Lol.

    I love snow, but...I am good with not getting anymore this year. However, it is in our forecast for tomorrow! My strawberry plants came though, and I need to do something with them. I will probably plant them inside until this crazy weather warms up.

    Have a great week! A quiet week sounds lovely. :)

  16. Oh that's great news on the eye front. Bummer on the snow not being quite what was expected.


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