Friday, June 2, 2023

Friday Memes: The Truth Against the World by David Corbett

 Happy Friday everybody!

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderThe Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice. Check out the links above for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

With tens of thousands engage online - Hong Kong to Tel Aviv, Berlin to Atlanta - Georgie recites the litany of names, linking them to their atrocities:
  • The corporate sociopaths who bankrolled the Capital bombing.
  • The assassins targeting congressmen, governors, mayors.
  • The freelancers murdering journalists, lawyers, academics.
  • The infiltrators turning marches into riots, the arsonists torching courthouses --
Friday 56:
"As you can imagine," Agnes says quietly, switching the radio off, "I'm no fan of the federal government. Lazy loudmouths, lying thieves - and that's being kind. Like a lot of folks, I had hopes for this President -- self-made man, outsider, owes nobody nothin."
This week I am spotlighting a new addition to my review stack. The Truth Against the World by David Corbett came to me from a publicist's email and sounded intriguing enough to shoehorn its way onto my reading calendar. It was released June 1. Here is the description from Amazon:
A country descending into civil war...

A young artist forced to cross a nation in chaos to retrieve her stolen masterpiece...

Her guide and guardian-whose past remains strangely obscure...

Georgie O'Halloran created an artistic and literary wonder-only to have it stolen from her and published under the thief's name. Worse, it's the inspiration for a wildly popular video game that's become a favorite among the militants seeking to transform America through bloodshed.

To confront the plagiarist, Georgie must cross an entire continent erupting in violence. Her only companion: Shane Riordan, "Irish as wet grass," a fiercely loyal friend with a beautiful singing voice, an oddly encyclopedic memory-and impressive fighting skills.

It turns out, however, that Georgie isn't the only one on a cross-country quest. Shane is on a journey all his own, far beyond even Georgie's imagining.

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