Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday Memes: Wicked Enchantment by Anya Bast

 Happy Friday!

Book Beginnings is hosted by Gillion at Rose City Reader. She asks that the first sentence is posted along with the author and title of the book and the reader's initial thoughts on the sentence, the book, or anything else it inspires. 
Carrie at Reading Is My also provides a linky for sharing first lines and connecting with others. This meme asks that the chosen books be PG or marked as Mature if they are not. 

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda at Freda's Voice. This meme is currently on hiatus but many of us are still including a sentence from page 56 or from 56% of the ebook. Anne @ Head Full of Books is picking up the slack until Freda is ready to return. I think this link will get you to the correct place

"Sex incarnate," the women and men around her whispered. "Half incubus."
Friday 56:
Emily slipped a sheaf of papers into Maddoc's hand, their fingers brushing just a little longer than necessary. She glanced at Gideon and then eased away.
This week I am spotlighting Wicked Enchantment by Anya Bast. It has been on my TBR stack since January 12, 2010 and got lost among a bunch of other urban fantasy/paranormal romance books. Here's the description from Amazon:
First in a new series from the national bestselling author of Witch Fury

When the Summer Queen of the fae orders Aislinn Finvarra to act as a guide for a half-incubus who is known to possess dark magick and sexual power, she must protect not only her heart, but her very life.

1 comment:

  1. Doen't sound like my kind of book considering I don't even know what an incubus is. Ha!


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