Monday, May 20, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (May 20, 2024)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Want to See What I Added to My Stack? links to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

Other Than Reading...

This was another quiet week filled with reading and watching baseball. There were lots of sunny days that made propping open the patio doors acceptable and pleasant. It hasn't been quite warm enough to run the air conditioner which is nice since it is still wrapped in its winter blanket.

I did buy a new Kindle this week since mine was having battery issues. I was having to recharge it every couple of hours or read while it was tethered to my computer charging. Of course, once my new Kindle arrived and it was set up, the old one seemed to get over its battery issues and stay charged for the usual amount of time which for me is two days. I know Amazon says the battery should last for up to ten weeks but that is based on using it for twenty minutes a day instead of many hours a day as I do. 

I also spent some time this week reading the first few pages of a number of older Kindle titles in order to find a book I wanted to read and review. The second Flavia de Luce book which I had planned to read this week failed to catch my attention. 

It was air show weekend here in Duluth. Apparently, my house is in the fly zone since it was really noisy Friday afternoon as they were practicing and Saturday and Sunday as the show was going on. I did get a chance to see the Thunderbirds as they flew in a tight formation right over my house Friday afternoon. Of course, the roaring engines and sonic booms could likely have been heard over most of Duluth. 

This week should be a quiet one. I don't have any appointments to break up my reading and listening. 

Read Last Week
  • Ribbon Dance by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (Review; June 4) -- Direct sequel to TRADER'S LEAP follows Shan and Padi as they try to set up a trade arrangement on Colemeno. My review will be posted on June 5.
  • Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle (Review; June 4) -- This was a stupid love story that spans five years of missed opportunities. My review will be posted on June 4.
  • The Vampire Book Club by Nancy Warren (Mine since April 1, 2022) -- A disgraced witch is exiled to Ireland where she discovers a body in the bookstore she will be managing and a group of vampires who hold a book club upstairs. My review will be posted on June 6.
  • Heartstone by Elle Katharine White (Mine; Reread) -- Historical fantasy with dragons. My review will be posted on June 8.
  • A Killing in the Hills by Julia Kelly (Audiobook, Mine) -- First Bell Elkins mystery set in West Virginia. My review will be posted on June 6.
  • Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop (Audiobook reread) -- Second in the Others series. 
  • A Collection of Lies by Connie Berry (Review; June 18) -- The latest in the Kate Hamilton series sees Kate and Tom on their honeymoon and investigating the provenance of a blood-stained dress from 1885. My review will be posted on June 11.
  • A Liaden Universe Constellation, Volume 5 by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (Audiobook, Mine) -- A collection of recent Liaden Universe stories including ten previously published works. My review will be posted on June 11.
Next Week
Reviews Posted
Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?

What was your week like?


  1. Curious what Kindle you bought, Kathy. I ended up getting a paperwhite, but miss the color of my Kindle Fire. The airshow sounds like fun. We haven't been in years. Happy reading this week! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. I like the look of Murder Most Royal! You have a broad range with a bit of scifi and fantasy creeping in there. #Bookdate

  3. I keep hoping my Kindle Oasis batteries won't get any shorter, because (other than the battery life) I love that device. Which one did you buy?

  4. Enjoy your new Kindle. I've had Kindles for years and never had the battery lifetime Amazon says I should get. I guess it's because I read more than 20 minutes a day. All of your books look so good. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week!

  5. I'm all about the thrillers - so A Killing in the Hills - I am excited to read your review of that. We already talked about The Third to Die. The Nature of Disappearing looks good too! I hope you enjoy your new Kindle! I get a new one every couple of years. I use the heck out of them too - and not just for reading. Enjoy your reading time this week! Sherry @wellversedwomen

  6. You can never have too many ereaders! I have 2 Kindles and a Kobo (library reads in Canada require a Kobo). Have a great week!

  7. You had another great reading week.

    I had issues with my Kindle, too, but I still sometimes use it. My new one has been going blank periodically, so that's something to overcome. I talked to customer support, and sometimes it works better.

    Enjoy your week!

  8. We now having rain and floods. No half measures here. I like the rain as the heat was intense.

  9. I turn off the wi fi connection to my Kindle Fire when I'm not using it. That helps me with the battery draining too fast. Have a good weekend.


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