Monday, June 24, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (June 24, 2024)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Want to See What I Added to My Stack? links to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

Other Than Reading...

This was an expensive week but a lot better than last week. The refrigerator repairman arrived promptly Tuesday morning and had to install a new condenser which he had to search all over town to locate since he had used up his monthly supply. By mid-day Wednesday we were making ice and gradually moving food from the garage refrigerator to the repaired house refrigerator. We are moving things as we need them and as of Sunday morning about half of the jars and bottles have been transferred. 

The repairman told us that only 15% of households have a second refrigerator and/or second freezer and most of those are in Minnesota. I just took it for granted that everyone had an extra refrigerator or freezer. But I've lived in Minnesota all my life. 

I spent a lot of time this week listening to audiobooks which means that I didn't meet my goal of finishing my July review copies. Maybe this week... Part of the reason I missed my goal was that I hit a review book that I wasn't enjoying which meant I'd read a chapter or two and then switch to an audiobook I liked. I finally abandoned the review copy on Saturday having reached 42% and not wanting to read even one more page. I am sure that the problem was me. I didn't feel like reading a historical fantasy mystery especially a slow-paced one with boring characters and couldn't get motivated to read it. 

This week is appointment-free and should provide good reading time. I'm even tackling a couple of audiobooks for stories I haven't read previously. Well, sort of. My current audiobook is for a book I read when it was published in 2004 but haven't read since. It is feeling very new to me. 

After a week filled with rain and some scattered thunderstorms, I'm hoping for better weather. We do have a chance of thunderstorms today and Monday night, but we should also be getting warmer weather and some sunny days too. We got 2.25 inches of rain on June 18 and really don't need any more for a while. Last year's persistent drought is over and now we're looking at flash floods and rain-soaked soil. 

Read Last Week
  • Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh (Review; July 23) -- Latest in the Psy-Changeling Trinity series has the usual damaged main characters who manage to be saved by love. My review will be posted on July 16.
  • Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs (Mine) -- The latest Mercy Thompson was filled with great characters and intriguing mythology. My review will be posted on July 4.
  • Dragon in Exile by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (Audiobook Reread)
  • The Haunting of Hecate Cavendish by Paula Brackston (Review; July 23) -- I read 42% of this one before abandoning it. I wasn't connecting with the characters and found it very slow-paced.
Next Week
Reviews Posted
Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?

What was your week like?


  1. I often don't finish my monthly review goals and now we are in the last week of the month. I'm blaming time moving to fast on that. I thought I had plenty of time. Now to sit down and make my July plans. I should have done this already. Your books, as always, look really good. I hope you enjoy them and have a great week!

  2. I’m a sucker for a dog on a book cover so I have a favourite Kathy! I hope that you enjoy(ed) them all!

  3. I’ve not finished my books for this month too but hoping I can. My refrigerator gave up the ghost and I bought a new one. By the time I came back home, the old one kicked into life again. So I’m in the two refrigerator category. Very rare here.

  4. I also find it very hard to DNF review books, but sometimes you have to.And 42 % is a good effort.

  5. Hopefully that is it for major expenses for a while. Unexpected expenses are never fun.

    Agony Hill caught my eye this week. Hope you have a good reading run. Thanks for visiting my blog last week.

  6. I got behind on comments again, so time to catch up! I've been trying to keep on top of my monthly ARC's for 2 years, and not once have I read all of them in the month before they're being published. I only just read my last 2022 book, so falling behind once, because of a book that got DNF'd? That's still well done! Yeah that you enjoyed a Ruse of Shadows! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!


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