Monday, June 3, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (June 3, 2024)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Want to See What I Added to My Stack? links to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

Other Than Reading...

It is hard to believe that it is already June! The year is going by so fast. Our air conditioner has had its winter blanket removed but we haven't used it yet. I was tempted on Saturday when the temperature hit 76F. Highs this week should be upper 60s and low 70s with rain forecast for most days. I think we can put off air conditioning for a while yet. Not using the air conditioner and lots of sunny days let us build a cushion on our power bill since we are making much more electricity than we are using. Our cushion lets us keep low bills for electricity even in the months when our solar panels are covered with snow.

I've been doing lots of reading and listening. Good thing too! I have lots of review books on my July calendar which I am starting to read now. I have managed to build a cushion of scheduled posts. Thirty of them as of today. I wrote and posted my State of the Stack post on June 1. 

I'm entering into a stretch of reading review copies. I still have twelve to read that are being released in July. I should also finish the Heartstone trilogy from my TBR mountain. I'm listening to the Sparks & Bainbridge historical mysteries in preparation for the sixth in that series to be released on July 30. I do have the eARC for that one on my July stack. I had previously read each book as a review copy but, when the first four were on sale from Chirp, I decided to buy them to experience them as audiobooks. I don't yet have the fifth in audiobook and may be using an Audible credit for it if Chirp doesn't put it on sale before I want to read it. 

I've had a good reading year so far.

May Report

I read 40 books in May. Twenty-six of the books I read were from my own collection. Fourteen of the forty were Review copies. Twelve of my books were rereads often via audiobooks. Eighteen of the books I read were audiobooks for a total of almost 207 hours of listening. Even though 14 of the books I read were ones I'd owned for more than a year, I didn't manage to lower TBR mountain much. It still sits at 2503.

I added 42 books to my collection in May including 18 Review copies and six audiobooks. Thirty-six of the additions are still marked TBR which includes the Review copies. I took advantage of seven Kindle Daily Deals and five BookBub deals. Four of my new audiobooks were on sale at Chirp and another was a $1.99 add-on when I bought the Kindle copy. 

BTW: Does anyone else hate the way Blogger changed the way of adding links? It was so much easier before it changed.

Read Last Week
  • In the Bleak Midwinter by Julia Spencer-Fleming (Audiobook reread; mine since January 4) -- The first Claire Ferguson/Russ Van Alstyne mystery. Main characters are a female Anglican priest and a police chief. My review will be posted on June 25.
  • The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman (mine since 11/24/2023) -- The second Thursday Murder Club mystery was as engaging as the first. Love the geriatric main characters! My review will be posted on June 25.
  • Dog Day Afternoon by David Rosenfelt (Review; July 2) -- The latest Andy Carpenter mystery has Andy defending a man accused of murder. The case is a favor to Marcus Clark. My review will be posted on June 26.
  • On Her Watch by Melinda Leigh (Mine) -- The 8th Bree Taggert mystery has her looking for a serial killer who targets young women. My review will be posted on June 29.
  • Death on the Green by Catie Murphy (Audiobook; Mine since June 29, 2021) -- Second Megan Malone mystery. Megan is driving a pro golfer and his wife while he plays in a tournament in Ireland and stumbles upon a couple of dead bodies. Great characters and well-developed mystery. My review will be posted on June 27.
  • Thornyhold by Mary Stewart (Audiobook; mine since 9/29/2023) -- Gothic historical mystery which takes place in rural England. Lush and lyrical and timeless. My review will be posted on June 27.
  • Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop (Audiobook Reread) -- 4th in The Others series
  • The Right Sort of Man by Allison Montclair (Audiobook Reread) -- First in the Sparks & Bainbridge historical mystery series. Great historical mystery with intriguing characters. My review will be posted on July 2.
Next Week
Reviews Posted
Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?

What was your week like?


  1. Looking at your post makes me tired, but the number of books you read is impressive. I am also annoyed by Bloggers new link function. I thought it was just me.

    Have a great reading week.

  2. Oh my goodness, Kathy, I had to laugh out loud when I saw you were tempted to turn on your air when the temps hit 76! OMG! Those kind of temps are our winter temps! lol

  3. Our air conditioner kicked in this past week when the temperature got to 80. I'm dreading the heat wave we're expecting later this week. It's going to be a hot summer. You are doing great with your Goodreads challenge! So much bookish goodness in this post! It looks like you've been reading some great books and have many more great ones ahead of you. I hope you have a great week, Kathy!

  4. I loved On Her Watch, and soon I'll be reading One Big Happy Family from NetGalley. Enjoy your week.

  5. Yes, I am hating the new adding links in blogger. I think it's actually easier but our old habit makes us make it more work....ha! I can't believe you read 40 books in a month! Wow!! Everyone is reading this Nora Roberts! I've never heard of her until this months link up...and lastly, it made me smile to see Dick Francis. Not seen his name about in a long while....

  6. It really is hard to believe it's June already. The beginning of the year went fast. You had a great reading month in May. I hope June is good too. I'm having problems with adding links to blogger too. It's really annoying. I hope they change it back. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

  7. Sounds like you are busy in a good way! Have a great month! :)

  8. The year really is flying by! I'm really excited to see so many mysteries that sound interesting in your post. It's not a genre I read very often (too suspenseful LOL), and now I have some new titles to recommend to my mom, who loves mystery.

  9. Thornyhold is one of my favorite Mary Stewart books! Such a good book, especially this time of year.

  10. Sounds like you had an interesting reading week Kathy. Is this the same Mary Stewart as who wrote the Merlin Trilogy? I loved it!

  11. Yeah for the review reading! And great reading stats! I hope you enjoy Draonshadow, I just love the series! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!


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