Below is the cover for the US edition which will be published by Philomel on May 18, 2010. There are some major differences in the way the book is portrayed.

The US cover seems to focus more on the action aspect of the book as it depicts a scene from late in the novel and with no recognizable characters.
Does that say something about the marketing? Are US kids more likely to choose a book with action on the cover rather than portraits of the characters?
I am just curious. I will admit that I would purchase the book with either cover. All I'm looking for on the cover is John Flanagan's name and Ranger's Apprentice as the series. The rest of the cover could be blank for me. I am already hooked.

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ReplyDeleteAnd, hm, nice picks. I usually like covers with characters, but the Australia version looks less professional and less mature and less like the book I would expect from the premise - more action. Therefore, definitely US! :)