Monday, May 13, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (May 13, 2024)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Want to See What I Added to My Stack? links to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

Other Than Reading...

Happy Mother's Day to those who qualify! I had another ordinary week. We had rainy days on Tuesday and Friday. Tuesday saw .73 inches and Friday .31 inches and even a trace of snow. We hit our high temperature in May so far when it got to 69F on Saturday.  

We made nice amounts of solar power this week too. We had three days when we generated more than 40 kWh and two days when we generated over 50 kWh. Even on our rainy Tuesday we generated 8 kWh.

It was a nice week for reading too. I knocked 4 more June releases off my TBR pile and listened to three audiobooks. I'm now caught up on the In Death series until the new one is released in September. Needing something to listen to one day, I chose Written in Red by Anne Bishop which is an old favorite. This was the first time listening to it in 2024. I also read a book I added in 2010 which took a pebble off TBR mountain. 

This was also a good week for adding books to my collection. I got 9 new review copies including my first 2025 release. Most of those came as a result of emails from various publicists and publishers. I was especially pleased to get the new Lady Sherlock story by Sherry Thomas which I had requested months ago. I also had to turn down two review requests because I chose not to rearrange my calendar to make the short timelines for one May release and one June release.

I also added three Kindle Daily Deals - two new books and a Kindle copy of a book I read many years ago - and a Kindle new release of a book I read as a review copy. I got audiobooks for the rereads and then added four audiobooks from Chirp for titles I read review copies of a while ago.  I'm looking forward to listening to the Sparks & Bainbridge historical mysteries again. I enjoy the series and have even requested the latest from NetGalley and am waiting to hear if I'm approved.

I also preordered Kindle copies of the next two books in the In Death series by J. D. Robb and just need to wait for their release dates in September 2024 and February 2025.

This coming week should be pretty quiet too. My cleaning lady is scheduled for Thursday, and I have a home health assessment on Saturday. My brother Bill will be gone over the dinner hour for every one of his five shifts this coming week meaning I have to cook my own dinners. We do have tentative plans to go out to lunch and try a new restaurant on Tuesday which is one of his days off this week. Monday is his other day off. He plans to mow the lawn for the first time this season and do some landscaping. 

Read Last Week
  • The Jigsaw Assassin by Catherine Asaro (Audiobook Reread) -- Fourth book in the Major Bhaajan science fiction mystery series. My review will be posted on May 30.
  • May Day by Jess Lourey (Mine since 2010) -- Quirky mystery set in Battle Lake, MN, and starring an English major turned librarian. My review will be posted on May 25.
  • Don't Ask. Don't Follow by Mary Keliikoa (Review; June 4) -- Thriller in which a paralegal goes hunting for her missing sister and learns all sorts of family secrets. My review will be posted on May 28.
  • Random in Death by J. D. Robb (Audiobook Reread) -- Finished the In Death series until the new book in September.
  • Smoke and Mirrors by M. E. Hilliard (Review; June 4) -- Marketing exec turned librarian Greer Hogan is back in NYC to finally solve her husband's death. My review will be posted on May 29.
  • Written in Read by Anne Bishop (Audiobook Reread) -- First 2024 reading of a series I love. 
  • A Botanist's Guide to Society and Secrets by Kate Khavari (Review; June 4) -- Third Saffron Everleigh historical mystery. Engaging characters and twisty plot. My review will be posted on May 30.
  • Dead Tired by Kat Ailes (Review; June 4) -- Second Expectant Detectives contemporary mystery is as filled with humor as the first. My review will be posted on June 1.
Next Week
Reviews Posted
Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?

What was your week like?


  1. You’ve got some great books here. Sherry Thomas J D Robb, the Montclair amongst others.

  2. So many good books here. I am glad the solar stuff is working out so well for you. I really want to reread Written in Red. I loved the first few books but never finished the series. I STILL want a weather pony and a reread will only renew my obsession. Hope you have a great week.

  3. I wanna read I'll Be Waiting too even though I wasn't a fan of Armstrong's previous book that I've read.

  4. So many good books on your list. I have a few on my wishlist. Have a great week!

  5. As usual, you have had a great reading week. Enjoy the new week, too.

  6. I hope you have a wonderful reading week Kathy!

  7. Wow, it was almost 90 here already last week and the week before. Your weather sounds much more pleasant (except for the trace of snow!!). Hope you enjoy your books and have a great week, Kathy -
    Book By Book

  8. I really need to catch up on the Kate Khavari series. I really enjoyed the first one, now I need to read the second so I can be ready for the third! Lol. Have a great week!

  9. Wow! You got in a lot of new releases this week! I'm glad you are able to keep to scheduling and reading and reviewing books so well.

  10. Looks like a fantastic week! Yeah for the review copies, especially A Ruse of Shadows! I hope you enjoyed Dead Tired, I had a great time reading it! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!


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