Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Audiobook Review: Arrow's Fall by Mercedes Lackey

Arrow's Fall

Mercedes Lackey
Narrator: Christa Lewis
Series: Heralds of Valdemar (Book 3)
Publication: Tanto Audio (June 5, 2018)
Length: 10 hours and 8 minutes

Description: With Elspeth, the heir to the throne of Valdemar, now of marriageable age, Talia, the Queen's Own Herald, returns to court. Here, she finds the Queen and heir beset by diplomatic intrigue as various forces vie for control of Elspeth's future.

But just as Talia is about to uncover the traitor behind all these intrigues, she is sent off on a mission to the neighboring kingdom, chosen by the Queen to investigate the worth of a marriage proposal from Prince Ancar. And, to her horror, Talia soon discovers there is far more going on at Prince Ancar's court than just preparation for a hoped - for royal wedding. For a different magic than that of the Heralds is loose in Ancar's realm - an evil and ancient sorcery that may destroy all of Valdemar unless Talia can send warning to her Queen in time.

My Thoughts: The final book in the Heralds of Valdemar trilogy has Talia and Kris sent to the neighboring kingdom of Hardorn to vet a possible spouse for Elspeth. The Queen has had a friendship with the ruler of Hardorn and the alliance would be good for Valdemar. But she hasn't seen young Prince Ancar since he was a child. 

Talia and Kris run into trouble as soon as they cross the border. There are nasty rumors about Prince Ancar's court which seems filled with magicians who practice the old magic. His personal habits aren't recommending him as a proper spouse for Elspeth either. 

However, when they try to leave to get word to Queen Selenay about the problems in the kingdom, Talia is captured, and Kris and his companion are killed. Talia does manage to get a message out via a trader she met while she was interning. The trader manages to get a poison in to her, but she has to wait until she knows the message has reached her Queen before she dares to take it. While she waits, Ancar and his devoted nurse Hulda spend their time torturing and abusing her. 

Meanwhile, the Queen and her entourage which includes Elspeth and Dirk, the man lifebonded to Talia, are making their way to the border. When Rolan arrives with the message, the Queen turns around. But Dirk isn't willing to leave Talia in Ancar's hands and manages to use his gift for fetching to snatch her out of Ancar's hands. 

Gravely injured, Talia is still able to tell the Queen what she knows and assist with the battle between Valdemar and Ancar's forces. 

This was a great conclusion to this trilogy. 

I bought this one from Chirp April 23, 2022. You can buy your copy here.

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