Thursday, September 5, 2024

Audiobook Review: One Hit Wonder by Kristi Rose

One Hit Wonder

Kristi Rose
Narrator: Jennifer Stoneking
Series: A Samantha True Mystery (Book 1)
Publication: Vintage Housewife Books (December 15, 2019)
Length: 2 hours and 55 minutes

Description: Sometimes it's not opportunity knocking, it's trouble.

On the night of Samantha True’s first job as a forensic photographer she learns three things:
  1. Crime scenes are messy.
  2. Especially when you throw up on them.
  3. She may not be cut out for this.
When the police drag her to a second investigation, she’s just as baffled by the crime scene as they are. Why is the school lunch lady, Miss Trina, chained to a pole? Is this somehow connected to the robberies taking place all over Wind River?

Samantha might not be cut out for photographing blood-covered crime scenes, but being the daughter of the town newspaperman, she has plenty of investigating intuition. Besides, this is her hometown, and she’s not about to let it become ravaged by crime.

As she digs deeper into the photographic evidence, she realizes her small town is full of secrets. And she might be happier staying in the dark.

A laugh-out-loud mystery that will keep you guessing and listening on. One Hit Wonder offers the just-right listener escape, but fair warning, this audiobook leaves listeners wanting more.

My Thoughts: This short novel introduces Samantha True who is training to be a crime scene photographer. Her first call-out by the local police department coincides with a raging case of the flu and results in her vomiting on the crime scene - a deer-car collision. 

Then she is called to a second crime scene. This time the beloved lunch lady from her school has been blindfolded and handcuffed to a pole and then had her car pushed into her. Samantha is determined to find out who did that to her beloved Miss Trina. But her investigation leads to secrets in her small town.

One unique feature about Samanta is that she is dyslexic but has an amazing visual memory. Her visual memory is one of the factors that enable her to solve the crime. I enjoyed her and enjoyed her best friend Precious who has a bigfoot obsession. 

I bought this one from Chirp May 3, 2022. You can buy your copy here.

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