Thursday, September 29, 2011

Review: Lassiter by Paul Levine

Author: Paul Levine
Publication: Bantam (September 13, 2011)

Description: Eighteen years ago, Jake Lassiter crossed paths with a teenage runaway who disappeared into South Florida’s sex trade. Now he retraces her steps and runs head-on into a conspiracy of Miami’s rich and powerful who would do anything to keep the past as dark as night and silent as the grave. In this tale of redemption and revenge, Edgar-nominated author Paul Levine delivers his most powerful thriller yet.

Jake Lassiter, second-string linebacker turned low-rent lawyer, is cynical about the law, but if you hire him, he’ll take a punch for you . . . and maybe a swing at the prosecutor, too.

Amy Larkin—beautiful, angry, and mysterious—accuses Lassiter of involvement in the disappearance of her sister eighteen years earlier. What does Lassiter know about Krista Larkin, the runaway teen turned porn actress? More than he’s saying.

Seeking to atone for his own past, Lassiter follows the cold trail of the missing Krista and butts head with the powerful men who also knew her: a former porn king turned philanthropist, a slick Cuban-born prosecutor who’d love to be governor, and an aging mobster who once worked for the infamous Meyer Lansky.

The evidence leads to a long-ago night of kinky sex, designer drugs—and possible murder. But before Lassiter can nail the truth, a gun goes off, a suspect falls dead, and Amy is charged with murder.

The state has an eyewitness and a slam-dunk case. Lassiter has a client he doesn’t trust and a case he can’t win. Did Amy shoot the man who killed her sister? Or the wrong man? And what really happened to Krista? The answers, buried under years of deceit and corruption, are revealed in an explosive courtroom finale proving that rough justice is better than no justice at all.

My Thoughts: If you are looking for a novel with no heroes, this is the story for you. Lassiter is a guy who is trying to get by. He isn't heroic and he's willing to do any kind of trick to get his (sometimes guilty) clients off. He's not the world's best lawyer. In fact at one point he says that he was in the top half of the bottom third of his class in law school. But he is willing to go to the line for his clients.

When Amy Larkin shows up in his office with an old photo searching for her missing sister, it throws Lassiter back into a time he would rather forget. He was a typical testosterone and alcohol fueled pro-football player who mostly rode the bench when he met Krista Larkin. They had a brief encounter and then went their separate ways. When Amy accuses him of being the last person who saw Krista alive, Lassiter is drawn into the case of trying to find out what happened to Krista.

The case leads him into the porn industry in South Florida with the assorted sleazebags and mobsters as he tries to find Krista and, maybe, ease the conscience that is nagging at him and telling him he didn't do what he could have done to help her. 

This was an entertaining mystery with well-developed characters. I liked how the twists and turns played out on the way to something like justice at the conclusion. Fans of hard-boiled mysteries with ambiguous characters will really enjoy this one. 

Favorite Quote:
My dog, Csonka, greeted me inside with a slobbery hello. A couple of years ago, he showed up, crapped on my front step, and challenged me to do something about it. He's a mix of bulldog and something else, maybe donkey, and has the personality of a New York cabdriver. If you don't get out of the way, he'll barge into you. And yeah, I named him after Larry Csonka, the Dolphins' fullback who used his forearm the way Paul Bunyan used an axe.
I received this book from the author and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. You can get your copy here. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WoW: Changes by Mercedes Lackey

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. She has a linky widget at her site each week for your post and to make it easy to find posts by other people.

The purpose of the meme is to spotlight books that we are eagerly anticipating. It is fun to take a look at what others are waiting for.

I have noticed that it has expanded my wishlist though. Be warned!

I am a long-time fan of Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series. So I was really excited to find out the Changes: Volume Three of the Collegium Chronicles was scheduled to come out on Oct. 4. I couldn't find a picture of the cover for the book but I did find the cover of the audiobook.

Here is the product description:
Enter the thrilling third volume in the epic Collegium Chronicles.

In Mercedes Lackey's classic coming-of-age story, the orphan Magpie pursues his quest for his parent's identity with burning urgency-while also discovering another hidden talent and being trained by the King's Own Herald as an undercover agent for Valdemar. Shy Bardic Trainee Lena has to face her famous but uncaring father, one of Valdemar's most renowned Bards. And Healing Trainee Bear must struggle against his disapproving parents, who are pressuring Bear to quit the Healers' Collegium because he lacks the magical Healing Gift.

Each of the three friends must face his or her demons and find their true strength as they seek to become the full Heralds, Bards, and Healers of Valdemar.
This series would be a good one for young adults transitioning into adult fantasy and science fiction. I will be proud to add it to my Valdemar collection.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Lassiter by Paul Levine

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

I am just starting Lassiter by Paul Levine. I was pitched this book by the author and recently received it from the publisher. It is apparently a return to publishing for this author and this series after the backlist titles became hits as ebooks. The last print book in this series came out in 1997. The pitch letter compares it to the Travis McGee series by John D. MacDonald. Since I am a huge fan of that series, I am very eager to try this one.

I get my hands dirty for my clients. I fight prosecutors in court and occasionally in the alley behind the Reasonable Doubt tavern, I stand up to judges who threaten me with contempt and to Bar Association big wigs who would love to pull my ticket. But I won't tote my briefcase across the street for a client who deceives me.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (Sept. 26, 2011)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I had a good week this past week but it was a very slow reading week. I finished:
New York to Dallas by J. D. Robb which was an intense entry into the In Death series where Eve has to return to Dallas and confront a villain who brings back all the horrible memories of her childhood and forces her to confront them. Luckily, she has the love and support of her husband Roarke to help her get through the horror. Here is my review.

Dark of the Moon by Tracy Barrett is a retelling of the Minotaur myth that humanizes the characters. It is also a coming of age story and the story of the end of a culture. I enjoyed getting to know the characters and seeing how the cultures clashed. My review will be posted on Sept. 29. I read the ARC but the book is available now.  

I am not reading anything right now. I literally just finished the review for Dark of the Moon. I have looked ahead to my review stack and have chosen these review books for next week.
Lassiter by Paul Levine is a contemporary thriller/mystery. This one came out on Sept. 13.

A Beautiful Friendship by David Weber is his debut young adult science fiction novel which takes place in the same world as his Honor Harrington series but earlier in time. This one will be out on Oct. 4.

Blood: Book One of the Mercian Trilogy by K. J. Wignall is an eARC and is a young adult vampire story. This one will be published on Sept. 27.

It looks like I have quite a variety in next week's reading. 

In My Mailbox (Sept. 25, 2011)

The weekly In My Mailbox post is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is fun to see what everyone else gets in their mailboxes, shopping bags, and library visits. Click on the link to The Story Siren's site to see the rules and join in the fun.
I guarantee that your TBR pile will grow when you see all the wonderful books everyone gets. You will discover lots of great blogs and lots of books that you won't be able to live without.

I had a very quiet mailbox this week. I only got one book. I got Cast in Ruin by Michele Sagara which is the seventh in the Chronicles of Elantra. I have been following this fantasy series since the beginning and am eager to continue on.

Here is the product description from Amazon:
Seven corpses are discovered in the streets of a Dragon's fief. All identical, down to their clothing.

Kaylin Neya is assigned to discover who they were, who killed them—and why. Is the evil lurking at the borders of Elantra preparing to cross over?

At least the investigation delays her meeting with the Dragon Emperor. And as the shadows grow longer over the fiefs, Kaylin must use every skill she's ever learned to save the people she's sworn to protect. Sword in hand, dragons in the sky, this time there's no retreat and no surrender…
I can't wait to read this one.

What did you get in your mailbox?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Review: New York to Dallas by J. D. Robb

New York to Dallas
Author: J. D. Robb
Publication: Putnam Adult (September 13, 2011)

Description: The new novel from the #1 New York Times-bestselling author, which takes readers deeper into the mind of Eve Dallas than ever before.

The number-one New York Times-bestselling author J. D. Robb presents an intense and terrifying new case for New York homicide cop Eve Dallas, one that will take her all the way to the city that gave her her name-and plunge her into the nightmares of her childhood.

When a monster named Isaac McQueen-taken down by Eve back in her uniform days-escapes from Rikers, he has two things in mind. One is to pick up where he left off, abducting young victims and leaving them scarred in both mind and body. The other is to get revenge on the woman who stopped him all those years ago.

My Thoughts: What a powerful book! I have always enjoyed this series because I love the characters. Eve is so damaged but so strong. Roarke is a romatic hero to die for. I love the touches of humor and humanity. I smile every time Eve sees Trina and is afraid that she is going to inflict some sort of beauty treatment on her. But this episode ramps up the intensity a lot. 

A violent pedophile that Eve puts away almost as her first case has escaped from prison and is determined to continue his criminal ways. And punishing Eve for catching him is very high on his to-do list. Everything about Isaac McQueen reminds her of the horror that she lived when she was a small child. She sees herself in all his victims. Now McQueen has gone to Dallas and kidnapped the last victim of his previous spree. Eve has to go to try to catch him and cage him for good. 

She and Roarke travel there with Eve very off balance. She has no good memories of Dallas. After all, that is where she ended up as an eight-year-old bleeding, battered, and with a broken arm after she managed to kill her father. She is also off-balance because she doesn't have her team with her. Her friends are all working the case from the New York end. Luckily, the Dallas Police Department is both smart and competent. In fact, the twin sister of the woman McQueen kidnapped and who was also one of his victims is on the force. 

Besides trying to find McQueen, Eve makes another startling discovery that brings back her childhood. The story is filled with traumatic events. But it is also filled with the love and support that exist in her relationship with Roarke. Their love is tested but holds up remarkably well.

This was an excellent, emotional episode in a wonderful series. If you are reading the series, you don't want to miss this one. If you haven't started the series yet, why not? It has mystery, romance, and humor in a futuristic New York.

Favorite Quote:
"You're being honored by this department and this city for having the integrity, the courage, and the skill to take out a blight on this department and this city. Dirty, murdering, greedy, treacherous cops are sitting in cages right now because you had the integrity, courage, and skill. I don't care if they do this damn thing in Grand Central, you will get on your feet. You will not puke, pass out, cry like a baby, or squeal like a girl. That's a goddamn order."

"I had more of a 'Relax, Peabody, this is a proud moment' sort of speech in mind," McNab murmured to Roarke.

Roarke shook his head, grinned. "Did you now? You've a bit to learn yet, haven't you?
And I had to include this one too. Oh, to be loved like that!
"Eve." He waited a beat. "I once stood in a field in Ireland, alone, a little lost, and wishing for you more than I wished for my next breath. And you came, though I never asked you, you came because you knew I needed you. We don't always do what's right, what's good. Not even for each other. But when it counts, down to the core of it, I believe we do exactly that. What's right and good for each other."

"There's no rule to that, Eve, It's just love."

Just love, she thought when he stepped out. She may have been going into her own personal hell to face a killer, but right at that moment she considered herself the luckiest woman in the world.
I bought this one for my keeper shelf. You can get your copy here

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

WoW: Animal Attraction by Jill Shalvis

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. She has a linky widget at her site each week for your post and to make it easy to find posts by other people.

The purpose of the meme is to spotlight books that we are eagerly anticipating. It is fun to take a look at what others are waiting for.

I have noticed that it has expanded my wishlist though. Be warned!

Coming on Oct. 4 is Animal Attraction by Jill Shalvis. I recently read Animal Magnetism and found it a fun, sexy, sassy contemporary romance with cute animal characters. Animal Attraction will feature the romance of two of the side characters from that book.

Here is the product description.
Jade Bennett couldn't be happier to escape her past for the quiet ranching town of Sunshine, Idaho. Plus, there's nothing like working for veterinarian Dell Connelly. And though Dell has no intention of settling down, Jade's strength and sass are enticements no red-blooded male can resist.
This one sounds like it will be fun too.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: New York to Dallas by J. D. Robb

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My teaser is actually the beginning of New York to Dallas by J. D. Robb. This is the latest (somewhere around number 35) in this series and I am a compulsive reader. I can't wait for each book to come out so that I can get my Roarke fix. Eve Dallas and her cohorts are always entertaining and I love that the romance didn't end with "happily ever after."

Here is the product description:
The new novel from the #1 New York Times-bestselling author, which takes readers deeper into the mind of Eve Dallas than ever before.

The number-one New York Times-bestselling author J. D. Robb presents an intense and terrifying new case for New York homicide cop Eve Dallas, one that will take her all the way to the city that gave her her name-and plunge her into the nightmares of her childhood.

When a monster named Isaac McQueen-taken down by Eve back in her uniform days-escapes from Rikers, he has two things in mind. One is to pick up where he left off, abducting young victims and leaving them scarred in both mind and body. The other is to get revenge on the woman who stopped him all those years ago.
While a late-summer storm bashed against her single skinny window, Lieutenant Eve Dallas wished for murder.

As far as she could see, a good, bloody killing was the only thing that would save her from the torture of paperwork stacked like the Alps on her desk in Cop Central.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (Sept. 19, 2011)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

This was our first full week of school and I am gradually getting back into the school routine. I did manage to get some reading done.

Here is what I finished:
I finished The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson. This was a review book from NetGalley. It was a fantasy with an engaging main character. I enjoyed it. My review is here

The Last Dragon by Jane Yolen and Rebecca Guay is a lovely graphic fantasy novel. The illustrations (which I saw on my computer screen as I read the eARC) are gorgeous. I can't wait to buy a finished copy to have that art for myself. My review is here.
Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs was a review book that I got through the Amazon Vine program. This is a contemporary fantasy with the main characters being the descendants of Medusa. I liked this one and can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy. In fact, I need to because this one left so many questions still to be answered. My review will be posted on Sept. 22.

Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis was a book I purchased. I have become a big fan of Jill Shalvis's contemporary romances and this one was very good too. I love the banter between the characters. My review is here.

I am currently reading New York to Dallas by J. D. Robb. I bought this one because I am a huge fan of the series. I have to know what is happening with Eve Dallas, her husband (and all-around sex god) Roarke, and their friends.

Next week I am back to review books. These are on my stack and need to be read in September.
Lassiter by Paul Levine is an adult mystery/thriller. It was sent to me by the author and publisher. This one came out on Sept. 13 but I just got it this week. The main character is a "second-string linebacker turned low-rent lawyer."

Blood: Book One of the Mercian Trilogy by K. J. Wignall is on my Kindle from NetGalley. This one is coming out on Sept. 27 from EgmontUSA. It is the first in a new trilogy about a vampire named Will who is perpetually sixteen.
The Fate of the Muse by Derrolyn Anderson is the third book in her Marina's Tale series. I liked the first two and said "yes" when the author offered me the third. This one is available at Smashwords now.

Dark of the Moon by Tracy Barrett will be published Sept. 20. I got it as part of the Amazon Vine program. It is a historical fantasy based on the Minotaur myth.

If I get these done, I have tons of others on my TBR mountain calling my name.

Also in the plans for next week is a road trip to Minneapolis on Saturday to see Scott Westerfeld. I can't wait to see him and get some of his books autographed. Leviathan and Behemoth have been sitting on my TBR stack for quite a while. Westerfeld is touring his newest book in the series - Goliath - and I hope to get that one at the signing.

What are your plans?

In My Mailbox (Sept. 18, 2011)

The weekly In My Mailbox post is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is fun to see what everyone else gets in their mailboxes, shopping bags, and library visits. Click on the link to The Story Siren's site to see the rules and join in the fun.
I guarantee that your TBR pile will grow when you see all the wonderful books everyone gets. You will discover lots of great blogs and lots of books that you won't be able to live without.

This week I added three books to my massive TBR stack. One was a book for review and the other two were sequels to books I loved.

I got Lassiter by Paul Levine for review from the author and publisher. I liked the sound of this mystery. Here is the product description:
Eighteen years ago, Jake Lassiter crossed paths with a teenage runaway who disappeared into South Florida’s sex trade. Now he retraces her steps and runs head-on into a conspiracy of Miami’s rich and powerful who would do anything to keep the past as dark as night and silent as the grave. In this tale of redemption and revenge, Edgar-nominated author Paul Levine delivers his most powerful thriller yet.

Jake Lassiter, second-string linebacker turned low-rent lawyer, is cynical about the law, but if you hire him, he’ll take a punch for you . . . and maybe a swing at the prosecutor, too.

Amy Larkin—beautiful, angry, and mysterious—accuses Lassiter of involvement in the disappearance of her sister eighteen years earlier. What does Lassiter know about Krista Larkin, the runaway teen turned porn actress? More than he’s saying.

Seeking to atone for his own past, Lassiter follows the cold trail of the missing Krista and butts head with the powerful men who also knew her: a former porn king turned philanthropist, a slick Cuban-born prosecutor who’d love to be governor, and an aging mobster who once worked for the infamous Meyer Lansky.

The evidence leads to a long-ago night of kinky sex, designer drugs—and possible murder. But before Lassiter can nail the truth, a gun goes off, a suspect falls dead, and Amy is charged with murder.

The state has an eyewitness and a slam-dunk case. Lassiter has a client he doesn’t trust and a case he can’t win. Did Amy shoot the man who killed her sister? Or the wrong man? And what really happened to Krista? The answers, buried under years of deceit and corruption, are revealed in an explosive courtroom finale proving that rough justice is better than no justice at all.
I also got a couple of books in on-going series that I am following.
Cold Fire by Kate Elliott is only the second book in this fantasy series but I really enjoyed the first novel and can't wait to begin this one. This is the second in the Spiritwalker trilogy, Here is the product description:
Cat Barahal and her beloved cousin Bee think they have reached a safe place to shelter. But the Cold Mages who are conspiring to take them prisoner are closing in. The warlord who hopes to conquer all Europa is convinced their destiny is to aid him, whether they want to or not. And the man Cat was forced to marry is back, as vainly arrogant and annoyingly handsome as ever.

Worst of all, as Hallows' Night approaches, powers hidden deep within the spirit world are rising. Cat must seek allies against these threats and figure out who to trust, for if she makes the wrong choices, she'll lose everything.

Only one thing is certain. When Hallows' Night comes the Wild Hunt will ride - and it feeds on mortal blood.
The last book I received this week is New York to Dallas by J. D. Robb. This book is the latest in the In Death series and is somewhere in the 30s. I have been following along since the beginning and wouldn't even think of not getting the most recent episode. I love Eve and Roarke and the futuristic setting. Here is the product description:

The new novel from the #1 New York Times-bestselling author, which takes readers deeper into the mind of Eve Dallas than ever before.The number-one 

New York Times
-bestselling author J. D. Robb presents an intense and terrifying new case for New York homicide cop Eve Dallas, one that will take her all the way to the city that gave her her name-and plunge her into the nightmares of her childhood.

When a monster named Isaac McQueen-taken down by Eve back in her uniform days-escapes from Rikers, he has two things in mind. One is to pick up where he left off, abducting young victims and leaving them scarred in both mind and body. The other is to get revenge on the woman who stopped him all those years ago.
I can't wait until I get a chance to read all of these books. What did you get in your mailbox this week?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Book Review: Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis

Animal Magnetism
Author: Jill Shalvis
Publication: Berkley; Original edition (February 1, 2011)

Description: Co-owner of the town's only kennel, Lilah Young has lived in Sunshine, Idaho, all her life. Pilot-for-hire Brady Miller is just passing through. But he soon has Lilah abandoning her instincts and giving in to a primal desire. 

It's Brady's nature to resist being tied down, but there's something about Lilah and her menagerie that keeps him coming back for more.

My Thoughts: This was a sweet romance with touches of humor. Brady is the loner who actually has more ties than he realizes. When he comes to Sunshine to visit his foster brothers, he plans to get in and out quickly. But Lilah and a cute little dog named Twinkles have other plans.

At least, Lilah would have other plans if she wasn't so busy trying to keep ahead financially, run her kennel, and go to school. She doesn't have time for any emotional entanglements. And especially doesn't want to become emotionally entangled with someone who plans to leave.

These two reluctant lovers haven't taken into account the chemistry between them. Both have to push past their fears to find out what they really want. Brady is a perfect hunky hero. His gruff exterior hides a heart that is quite tender and a very caring spirit. Killer abs don't hurt either! Lilah is strong-willed and always willing to help a friend or animal in need but she isn't so eager to let anyone help her. 

I enjoyed this romance and am eager to read the stories of Brady's foster brothers who seem like sexy hero material in their own rites. 

Favorite Quote:
"I think we've had enough accidental shootings for this week." He crossed his arms. "But out of curiosity, do you really think you could shoot me?"

She thought she could do a lot of things to him. Smack him for the smugness. Hug him for how hard he'd worked today.

Love him for exactly who and what he was...
I bought this one at Amazon. You can get your copy there too.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Book Beginning & Friday 56: Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis

Happy Friday everybody!!
Book Beginnings

Book Beginnings on Friday is now hosted by Katy at A Few More Pages 
Anyone can participate; just share the opening sentence of your current read, making sure that you include the title and author so others know what you're reading. 
If you like, share with everyone why you do, or do not, like the sentence.

The Friday 56
  • Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of Freda's Voice
  • Post a link along with your post back to Freda's Voice
Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

I have recently become a fan of Jill Shalvis' humorous and sexy contemporary romances and was glad to get a copy of Animal Magnetism. Here is the product description:
Co-owner of the town's only kennel, Lilah Young has lived in Sunshine, Idaho, all her life. Pilot-for-hire Brady Miller is just passing through. But he soon has Lilah abandoning her instincts and giving in to a primal desire.

It's Brady's nature to resist being tied down, but there's something about Lilah and her menagerie that keeps him coming back for more.
Here is the beginning couple of sentences:
Brady Miller's ideal Saturday was pretty simple--sleep in, be woken by a hot, naked woman for sex, followed by a breakfast that he didn't have to cook.

On this particularly early June Saturday, he consoled himself with one out of the three, stopping at 7-Eleven for coffee, two egg and sausage breakfast wraps, and a Snickers bar.
Friday 56:
He lay quietly on the rug while she showered--cherry blossom soap today--and yelped along with her as the hot water gave way to cold.
Doesn't that beginning just give you a great taste of Grady? I can't wait to read more of this one.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Book Review: Archangel's Blade by Nalini Singh

Archangel's Blade
Author: Nalini Singh
Publication: Berkley (September 6, 2011)

Description: Trying to discover the identity of a murder victim brings together the vampire Dmitri and a hunter for the Guild, Honor. And as the gruesome murders continue, a lethal sensuality explodes between them.

My Thoughts: Honor is a Hunter who is trying to recover from being kidnapped and held prisoner by some vampires for two months. She was hurt every way a person can be hurt but she survived. When the story begins she is being forced out of her new secure rut and sent to meet with Dmitri because she has a knowledge of ancient languages. A recent vampire corpse was found with a tattoo written in an unknown language.

Honor begins by being very afraid of any vampire and especially afraid of Dmitri. After all, Dmitri has made himself the most feared vampire in New York. As a second to the Archangel Raphael, he has had to be this way to control the other vampires in the city. But, while Honor is afraid of Dmitri, she is also fascinated by him. Dmitri begins to admire her too but doesn't believe that he has a heart to give her. His heart still belongs to the wife and children that he lost 1000 years ago. 

This story tells a lot of Dmitri's backstory and helps us understand him and know how and why he is the way he is. Even though Honor is still traumatized by her captivity, she is still very strong and brave. This is what first intrigues Dmitri. Soon he begins to aid her in finding and punishing those who held her captive. Together, the two of them try to solve both crimes - her captivity and the deaths of newly-Made vampires.

The book was filled with lush sensuality with a hefty dose of cruelty. The whole Angel-Vampire world seems to run on cruelty and harsh punishment. I liked that Honor was able to overcome the trauma that she suffered and I was glad that Dmitri was finally able to overcome some of the trauma that he had suffered too. I am already looking forward to the next book in this series. 

Favorite Quote:
Instead of shying, she leaned into his touch. "You're my man."

You're my man.

The echo of Ingrede's words tangled with Honor's, but then, his wife had been tender of heart, too. He'd protected that heart with all his strength...and he knew that despite the deep weakness she created in him, he would do so once more with Honor. It was a strange thing, to feel such tenderness again, to know he was capable of it. "Come. It's time to beard the monster in his den."
I bought this one at Amazon. In fact, I pre-ordered it. You can get your copy there too. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

WoW: New York to Dallas by J. D. Robb

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It gives us a chance to spotlight books that we are eagerly anticipating.

This week I am eagerly anticipating New York to Dallas by J. D. Robb. This is the latest in her In Death series and the only one without "in Death" in the title.

Here is the product description:

The new novel from the #1 New York Times-bestselling author, which takes readers deeper into the mind of Eve Dallas than ever before.

The number-one New York Times-bestselling author J. D. Robb presents an intense and terrifying new case for New York homicide cop Eve Dallas, one that will take her all the way to the city that gave her her name-and plunge her into the nightmares of her childhood.

When a monster named Isaac McQueen-taken down by Eve back in her uniform days-escapes from Rikers, he has two things in mind. One is to pick up where he left off, abducting young victims and leaving them scarred in both mind and body. The other is to get revenge on the woman who stopped him all those years ago.
I have read all the rest of the series - some of them multiple times. I just love to watch the relationship between Eve and Roarke. Eve is such a different character now than she was in the first books. 

Hopefully, by the time this posts on Wednesday morning, UPS will have delivered my copy. I'll be watching for that big brown truck!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Teaser Tuesday Archangel's Blade by Nalini Singh

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

I had to start Archangel's Blade by Nalini Singh the day it came into my house. I am such a fan of this series with both angels and vampires! The product description is almost a teaser in itself. Here it is: Trying to discover the identity of a murder victim brings together the vampire Dmitri and a hunter for the Guild, Honor. And as the gruesome murders continue, a lethal sensuality explodes between them.

Here's my teaser from page 20:
He moved close enough that the dark heat of him lapped against her in a quiet threat that made her glad for the blade. "I am not a nice man when I'm angry."

She held her position, a ragged attempt to erase the humiliation of the panic attack. "I'm fairly certain you're not a nice man at all."
Can't you just feel the heat? I can't wait to read more of this story.