Monday, October 2, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (Oct. 2, 2017)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I will be combining my YA and adult reading and purchases on this one weekly roundup. YA and middle grade reviews will still be posted on  Ms. Martin Teaches Media - my other blog.

Other Than Reading...

This was another week filled with meetings and ticking off the boxes on the To Do list.
  1. The mold people came and cleaned up at the Locust Street house. 
  2. The engineer also came and signed off on the basement work. 
  3. Still waiting for the basement people to come and do some cosmetic repairs where they chipped blocks. 
  4. Then a new inspection and we should finally be able to do the closing again and be done with that property.
 My realtor is advertising my townhouse again and hosting an Open House. Hopefully, that will drum up some interest. I might have to replace the carpeting in the bedrooms and/or reduce the price.

At the new house,
  1. the electricians came and wired the new garage. 
  2. The people came to install the new garage door opener. 
  3. They noticed that the garage builders had done something incorrect regarding the wrap around the garage door. We called them and they were supposed to have someone come fix it on Friday but no one showed up. Looks like another phone call on Monday morning. 
  4. The people came to give us a bid on installing gutters on the new garage and tying in the gutters on the house. 
  5. I interviewed a cleaning service to do housekeeping on a bi-monthly basis and set up a schedule. 
  6. And finally, a landscaper came to give a bid for redoing the landscaping around the new garage, removing some trees and trimming all the shrubbery.
I did manage to fit in some reading around these appointments and watched some baseball, The Voice, and Midnight Texas.

Read Last Week
Neogenesis by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be released in January. This is the newest in the pair's Liaden Universe novels and is an epic science fiction adventure. Look for my review late in December.

Best-Laid Plants by Marty Wingate is a cozy mystery about gardener and amateur sleuth Pru Parke and her husband Police Inspector Christopher. This episode has Pru exploring an Arts and Crafts garden when she discovers the garden's designer dead beneath a fallen statue. My review will be posted on Oct. 12.

Rituals by Kelley Armstrong concludes the Cainsville urban fantasy series and is filled with action, mystery, paranormal creatures and life-changing decisions. My review will be posted on Oct. 25.
House of Shadows by Nicola Cornick is a historical mystery with paranormal elements. It also tells of three romances that are all part of the bigger story. My review will be posted on Oct. 18.

Last Chance by Gregg Hurwitz is a young adult science fiction story about an alien invasion and a couple of teens who are supposed to be the secret weapons to defeat it. The story was filled with action, danger, self-sacrifice, and some romance too. My review will be posted on Oct. 13.

Golden by Jennifer Lynn Barnes has been on my TBR mountain since February of 2010. It is the author's first novel and tells about a girl with a psychic gift who has to battle evil at her new high school while navigating the social landscape and making new friends. My review will be posted on Oct. 18.

Fate by Jennifer Lynn Barnes is another of her early books that has been sitting on my TBR mountain since 2010. This is a sequel to TATTOO which I read recently.

Next Week
From TBR mountain:
From my review stack:
Reviews Posted

On Inside of a Dog:
 The Wicked Billionaire by Jackie Ashenden
Her Last Goodbye by Melinda Leigh
Enigma by Catherine Coulter

On Ms. Martin Teaches Media:
El Deafo by Cece Bell
Satellite by Nick Lake
Devil's & Thieves by Jennifer Rush

Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?
 The Hunt by Chloe Neill (Kindle) - I read the eARC but wanted a finished copy
The Turncoat's Gambit by Andrea Cremer (Print) - I've already read the first two books in this series.
 Little Girl Gone by Gerry Schmitt (Print) - Saw this one someone's blog and was intrigued by the mystery and the Minnesota setting
Archangel's Viper by Nalini Singh (Kindle) - I read the eARC and wanted a finished copy.

Added to my review stack from NetGalley:
A Mortal Likeness by Laura Joh Rowland (Jan. 9)

What was your week like?


  1. Sounds like you have a LOT going on! Have a great reading week :)


  2. You are so busy with all the house stuff, but you are organized and seem calm about it all.

    Enjoy those books. I also got Her Last Goodbye, so now I can read the previous one, too.

    Little Girl Gone looks tempting to me, too.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  3. Lots of great books you got this week! I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my It’s Monday! What are You Reading?!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  4. Your post reminded me of chores I needed done! like getting the aircon serviced!!!
    Enjoy your week.

  5. Ooh nice! I really enjoyed Rituals! Thought it was a good ending to the series! Also really enjoyed Blade Bound, another great series finale and I am soooo excited for the spinoff!!

    Here's my Monday Wrap-up

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Every checked box on your list brings you closer to being done!

    I will have to pop by to read your review of Rituals. I am sad that the series is done. :(

  7. So many great books. The Marty Wingate series is on my list. That looks so good. Have a great week!

  8. Hope all goes well with the house you want to sell. I am interested in Mind Games. Little Girl Gone was a good read. Have a great week.

  9. Busy, busy lady...hope everything starts going in the positive direction.

    ENJOY your books and your week.

  10. House of Shadows sounds good. I am surprised you had any time to red with so many house selling things to do.

  11. You are so busy, but at least you are getting things. Too bad there was an issue with the new garage, hopefully you can get it fixed soon. Looks like you have another group of great books coming up.

  12. I've been watching The Voice, too. I always enjoy the blind rounds.

  13. Glad the house stuff is moving along! I liked The Collapsing Empire, hope you do too. I have Satellite to read, and am looking forward to Last Chance, since I liked the first one.

  14. Good luck with selling the house. What a process you've had to go through. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. Wow, what a busy week but it sounds like you are making progress. Good luck on the open house. Golden sounds intriguing, I can't wait to see what you thought of it. And The cover of Fate is simply beautiful. Have a wonderful week and happy reading!

  16. Base Laid Plants looks cute. I need to call people about getting work done around the house, but I hate dealing with that so I keep putting it off. Girl Who Reads

  17. Another busy week for you - sounds like it was productive. I always enjoy Marty Wingate's cozies - sorry to have missed this one.
    Last Chance looks/sounds like one I'd like. I'll watch for your review.
    Happy Reading!


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