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It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.
I managed to get quite a bit of reading done this week despite my Gardens of Time addiction. Of course, I also received a large number of books this week. So my goal to reduce the size of my TBR mountain is currently an EPIC FAIL!
Here is what I read:
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.
I managed to get quite a bit of reading done this week despite my Gardens of Time addiction. Of course, I also received a large number of books this week. So my goal to reduce the size of my TBR mountain is currently an EPIC FAIL!
Here is what I read:
These three were review books from my Kindle.
Between the Land and the Sea by Derrolyn Anderson is the first in her Marina's Tales series. I enjoyed this young adult story about a girl who finds out that she is part mermaid. I thought the characters were well-written and the story was interesting.
The Moon and the Tide by Derrolyn Anderson is the second book in the Marina's Tales series and ramps up the danger and the political intrigue. This one also adds some conflict to the "perfect romance" begun in the first book.
I'll be reviewing these together on August 11.
Alexander Drake's Extraordinary Pursuit by Elizabeth Parkinson Bellows is a middle grade fantasy adventure that was high on adventure but low on character development. I am part of a blog tour for this one and will have a guest post by the author on August 12. My review will be posted on August 13.
I finished Across the Great Barrier by Patricia C. Wrede. This was another great entry into the Frontier Magic series. I really like Eff and I just love Wrede's worldbuilding. My review will be posted on August 6.
Ghost Story by Jim Butcher went right to the top of my stack when it arrived this week. The last book ended on a major cliffhanger and I had to know what happened. This was a little different than the rest of the series because there was more focus on introspection and memories and less on physical action. I loved it and am eager to find out what happens next. My review will be posted on August 11.
Dick Francis's Gamble by Felix Francis also didn't hit the TBR mountain. I read it as soon as it arrived. This is a mystery about a former jockey turned Independent Financial Adviser who has to find out who murdered a colleague and who has targeted him to murder next. My review will be posted on August 13.
Silk Is for Seduction by Loretta Chase was supposed to be a light read but turned out to have surprising emotional depth. This is a historical romance taking place in the 1830s about a dress designer and a duke. They should not have even met let alone fell in love. My review will be posted on August 10.Dragon's Oath by P. C. Cast and Kristin Cast is the first in a series of novellas that add more depth to characters from the House of Night series. This one focuses on the relationship between Dragon Lankford and Anastasia. He is a noted Sword Master and Warrior in the House of Night series. This tells about his beginnings in the 1800s. It tells about his romance with Anastasia. My review will be posted on August 10.
I am not currently reading anything. I am dithering and not able to make a choice. Here are my possibilities for next week's books:
Supernaturally by Kiersten White -- I loved Paranormalcy and this is the sequel. Parnormalcy was quirky and funny.
Blood Work by Kim Harrison -- This is an original Hollows story in graphic novel format. It should be a quick read.
Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer -- This is the sequel to Nightshade. How can I resist werewolves?
Face of Danger by Roxanne St. Claire -- This was on Amazon's Best of 2011 So Far list and is romantic suspense.
Black Magic Woman by Justin Gustainis -- I loved Hard Spell. Justin is guest posting on my blog on August 2. I want to try this book in his other series of urban fantasy.
The Marked Son by Thea Berkley -- This is a review book from Entangled Publishing. I have a guest post by the author scheduled for Aug. 20 and want to have my review ready by then too.
Stupid Fast by Geoff Herbach -- I want to read this one to see if I think it is something my high school boys would enjoy. I have heard good things about it.
Simply Irresistible by Jill Shalvis -- I have also heard good things about this contemporary romance and it has been sitting on my stack for quite a while.
Or I may decide to read none of those and go rummaging around in the two heaping laundry baskets of books I brought home for the summer for something else that catches my interest.
Those are my plans. What was last week like for you?