Tuesday, January 16, 2018

First Paragraph/Teaser Tuesday: Martians Abroad by Carrie Vaughn

Every Tuesday Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posted the first paragraph of a book she is reading or planning to read. In 2018, Vicki from I'd Rather Be at the Beach is taking over this meme.

Here's mine:
There are a thousand shades of brown.

My scooter skimmed about the surface so fast the ground blurred, kicking up a wake of dust that hazed from the color of dried blood to beige, depending on the angle of the light. Ahead, rust-colored hills made chocolate-colored shadows. The plains before the hills were tan, but in a few hours they'd be vivid, blush-colored, beautiful. Right now, the sun was low, a spike of light rising from the rocky horizon in the early morning. The sky above was pale cinnamon.
Link up here. It is very easy to play along:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! Everyone loves Teaser Tuesday.
Here's mine:
He seemed to expect me to respond to all that. Maybe I should have told him I wanted to be left alone after all. "I didn't think much about Earth at all until a couple of weeks ago. I have no idea what it's like."

"But aren't you excited?"

Was everyone at Galileo Academy going to be like this? "Going to Earth wasn't my idea."
This week I am reading Martians Abroad by Carrie Vaughn from my TBR pile. Here is the description from Amazon:
Well-known for her bestselling series Kitty Norville, Carrie Vaughn moves to science fiction with Martians Abroad, a novel with great crossover appeal. Polly Newton has one single-minded dream, to be a starship pilot and travel the galaxy. Her mother, the Director of the Mars Colony, derails Polly's plans when she sends Polly and her genius twin brother, Charles, to Galileo Academy on Earth.

Homesick and cut off from her plans for her future, Polly cannot seem to fit into life on Earth. Strange, unexplained, dangerous coincidences centered on their high-profile classmates begin piling up. Charles may be right―there's more going on than would appear, and the stakes are high. With the help of Charles, Polly is determined to find the truth, no matter the cost.


    1. I tend to avoid Sci-Fi, but this one does sound tempting. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    2. I love the descriptive detail of colors in the opening paragraph. Enjoy the read!

    3. That's beautiful descriptive writing. I'd like to read more just for that reason.

    4. The first snipet is quite the description.

      Marian's Abroad looks interesting. I love the cover.

    5. I have yet to read the Kitty series! This one sounds good too.

    6. Ooh nice teaser! Didn't read this one though I do enjoy Carrie's books! Still gotta finish the Kitty Norville series! Hope you enjoy the rest!

      Here's my Tuesday Post

      Have a GREAT day!

      Old Follower :)

    7. I'm reading a book about living on Mars. I think it would be fun to read this next as it's about coming to Earth for the first time. Such a beautiful, descriptive beginning too.

      My TT from Murder With Ganache

    8. I don't usually read science fiction, but this does sound like a good one.

    9. Never read sci-fi but sounds interesting!
      Here's my Teaser Tuesday from Among the Dead by J.R. Backlund

    10. Nice opening and good teaser. It really shows something of the character. Thanks for coming by!

    11. Martians Abroad sounds interesting! Thanks for sharing and hope you enjoy it.

    12. Martians Abroad does sound like a fun, interesting read! It's funny to think that going to Earth is considered a big deal - I'm pretty interested in finding out how we came to be on Mars.

      Thanks for sharing!


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