Friday, September 1, 2023

Friday Memes: The Chalk Pit by Elly Griffiths

 Happy Friday everybody!

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderThe Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice. Check out the links above for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

He shouldn't really be driving; they all know that. But Solly has probably had the least to drink of all of them and, besides, he has the calm self-possession that makes him able to carry off all sorts of excesses and still remain the reliable, charming boy next door. 'Boy from the next-door mansion,' as Dennis once put it.
Friday 56:
'Everything else all right?'

'Yes, fine. I'm just off to play Quidditch.'

It's as if the young speak a different language, thinks Nelson, as Grace exits through to main doors and joins a group of students on the lawn, all of them carrying broomsticks and baseball bats.
This week I am spotlighting The Chalk Pit by Elly Griffiths. This is the ninth Ruth Galloway mystery. I am gradually catching up on this series. I have both the Kindle and Audible copies of this one and plan to listen to the story.

Here's the description from Amazon:
In the ninth Ruth Galloway mystery, Ruth and Nelson investigate a string of murders and disappearances deep within the abandoned tunnels hidden far beneath the streets of Norwich.

Norwich is riddled with old chalk-mining tunnels, but no one's sure exactly how many. When Ruth is called in to investigate a set of human remains found in one of them, she notices the bones are almost translucent - a sign they were boiled soon after death. Once more she finds herself at the helm of a murder investigation.

Meanwhile, DCI Nelson is hunting for a missing homeless woman, Barbara, who he hears has gone "underground". Could she have disappeared into the labyrinth? And if so, is she connected to the body Ruth found?

As Ruth, Nelson, and the rest of their team investigate the tunnels, they hear rumors of secret societies, cannibalism, and ritual killings. When a dead body is found with a map that appears to be of The Underground, they realize their quest to find the killer has only just begun - and that there may be more bodies underfoot.

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