Tynga of Tynga's Reviews has a meme to spotlight the books we receive each week. Visit her site to check out the linky and see what everyone gets. I guarantee that your TBR pile will grow.
Here is what I added to my epic TBR mountain this week.
For review:
What did you add to your stack this week?
BTW - Congratulations to Kimberly who won the book of her choice from the Book Depository on my stop of the Mid-Winter's Eve Giveaway Hop.

Here is what I added to my epic TBR mountain this week.
For review:
Shattered Souls by Delilah Devlin was an Amazon Vine pick and will be released on Jan. 29. I liked the idea of an urban fantasy/romantic suspense combination since those are two of my favorite kinds of books.
The Buckhorn Legacy by Lori Foster was also an Amazon Vine pick. This is a reprint of an older title that was released on Oct. 23. I am a fan of Lori Foster and have never read this series of romances.
Not Quite Dating by Catherine Bybee was also an Amazon Vine pick. This one is a romance that was released on Nov. 13.
Circle of Lies by Sara Dailey and Staci Weber was a review book that I accepted back in October from Burroughs Publishing. The ebook didn't hit my inbox until this past week. The book was released on Dec. 20.
Then there were the books I bought:
Risky Business by Nora Roberts was on sale for the Kindle for $1.99. I am a big Nora Roberts fan and don't think I have read this older title. Or, at least, I don't currently have a copy.
Forever Buckhorn by Lori Foster was also on sale for $1.99. I actually bought this one before I had a chance to get another book in the series for review. I hope I like the series!
I had pre-ordered The Trouble with Fate by Leigh Evans after having the book recommended to me. It arrived this week as well.
Finally, I bought The Complete Guide to Evernote in Education by Nicholas Provenzano for my Kindle. I follow his blog The Nerdy Teacher and am curious to learn more about using Evernote with my students.
BTW - Congratulations to Kimberly who won the book of her choice from the Book Depository on my stop of the Mid-Winter's Eve Giveaway Hop.
We don't have any books in common this week. I'm not looking any of yours up so my TBR pile does not grow.