Sunday, October 6, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (Oct. 7, 2013)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

On the Personal Front:

Two days of flu made this week a little bit unpleasant. It did, however, allow for extra reading time. My two sick days were also rainy days here. We really do need the rain but it does make things gloomy.

This coming week a friend and I are planning a trip to the Red Balloon Bookstore after work on Wednesday to meet Cinda Williams Chima and get some books autographed. This will be our first road trip since our trip to ALA this past June. (We had a long one planned for August but I was in the hospital.) I need to recharge the batteries for my camera and grab my book for author autographs. I still need to glue in all the pictures from ALA but have one page with an illegible signature and don't remember who the author is. I hope my friend Bev remembers or I am going to have to guess.

Last Week:
The Russian Endgame by Allan Topol has been sitting on my review stack for a while. It is the conclusion to the Craig Page trilogy. I found it to me pretty lackluster. I think the problem is that the main character didn't grow or change any way during the series. Also, it was plot focused rather than character focused which didn't really let me feel engaged in the story. My review will be posted on Oct. 12.

Slayers: Friends and Traitors by C. J. Hill was the sequel to Slayers. It was an action-packed adventure with engaging characters, romance, and dragons. My review will be posted on Oct. 12.
The Stranger You Know by Andrea Kane was a thriller that pitted the Forensic Instincts crew against a serial killer and his apprentice. The serial killer has targeted the head of Forensic Instincts and is killing young red-headed women who are connected to her in some way. My review will be posted on Oct. 15.

Kissing Under the Mistletoe: A Sullivan Christmas by Bella Andre is the latest in the Sullivan series and tells the story of Mary and Jack Sullivan. I liked it but wish it would have included more about the characters from the other books. My review will be posted on Oct. 17.
The Cutting Room Floor by Dawn Klehr was another ARC I got at ALA. This was a psychological thriller with an interesting writing style that kept me up and reading late into the night. 

I am reading A Study in Darkness by Emma Jane Holloway which is the second in this steampunk mystery series which, among other things, has Sherlock Holmes' niece Evelina on a case in Whitechapel at the same time Jack the Ripper is active. I am really enjoying this one.

Next Week:

Somehow, I managed to add 5 books to my review stack that all have Oct. 29 release dates. Again this week, my reading is all from my review pile.
Adult Books
The Perfect Match by Kristan Higgins is a romance novel. Fortune's Pawn by Rachel Bach is science fiction. I am not at all sure what genre Foreplay by Sophie Jordan though it sounds like it could be a New Adult title. I chose it on the strength of the author's name from my Amazon Vine newsletter.
Young Adult Books
Altered by Gennifer Albin is a fantasy and the sequel to Crewel. Horde by Anne Aguirre is a dystopia and it concludes the Enclave series. The Iron Traitor by Julie Kagawa is a fantasy. All are books in series that I have enjoyed. 

Reviews Posted This Week:

Inside of a Dog
Ms. Martin Teaches Media
A couple of people asked about our Reading Club's entries into the Homecoming Parade. Here are a couple of pictures.
I'm walking next to the worm trying to get the students into step. You will see my limited success.
Chomp the Monster Book
Check my friend Bev's blog to see a couple more pictures of our furry book.


  1. Ugh, sorry you were sick! I enjoy rainy days, but it's hard to enjoy anything when you are sick. I hope you are doing much better now. Look at that monster book! That is awesome.

  2. Lucky you getting to meet Cinda Williams Chima, have fun! Cute pics too. I'm looking forward to Iron Traitor as well. Have a great week and happy reading :)

  3. I hope you are feeling much better! Love your homecoming creatures too, so cute!

    Enjoy your reading week
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  4. Hope you feel better soon...and that bookstore event looks so fabulous. Enjoy!

    The Stranger You Know looks good....have a great week!


  5. The Holloway series looks really good! I am definitely going to have to read it.

    I am sorry to hear you were sick! I am glad you are feeling better. I don't know whats worse when I am sick, sunny days or rainy ones? Maybe sunny, because you are stuck inside, and rainy days you can just sleep the day away.

  6. Sorry to hear you had the flue. I hope you are feeling much better. I enjoyed visiting your blog!

  7. Ooh nice! I adored The Iron Traitor! Going positively mad for the final book in that trilogy!!

    Awesome pictures too! I love Halloween decorations!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Good that you were not sick enough to loose on reading time :) but glad to hear you feel better. Enjoy the signing and all your books this week!

  9. Lots of great reads! I can't wait to read Foreplay and Slayers: Friends and Traitors looks really good! Thanks for stopping by :)

    Zareena @ Books and Books

  10. Thank you for stopping by my blog. You have quite a list, Horde looks good.

  11. Slayers and Cutting Room Floor sound really good!

    And I just LOVE the Altered cover though I haven't read Crewel yet but I probably will soon!

    Anyway hope you like next weeks reads!

  12. Love the caterpillar! I know you will enjoy Chima....we were lucky enough to have her visit our school district last school year!

  13. Sorry that you weren't feeling well...blech. That's never fun. I hope you're feeling 100% now :D

    LOVE that caterpillar, so cute!

  14. Glad you were able to read while sick. Hope you are feeling better. I am looking forward to Thankless in Death.

  15. The Stranger You Know sounds interesting. It sort of sounds like this season of the TV show Bones!

  16. I like the cover of A Study in Darkness and it sounds like something I would enjoy reading as well. I'm glad you're feeling better. Enjoy your week!

  17. A Study in Darkness sounds (and looks) interesting! Mystery steampunk is so fun. :) At least you got to stay in for the rainy days (unless you like being out in the rain, then oh well :P).

  18. I'm glad you enjoyed The Cutting Room Floor! And you'll enjoy The Iron Traitor, I'm sure :) I need to write my review for that one :)

    You always have such amazing lists, and this week seems like it will be great reading-wise.

    I hope you're feeling better.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews


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