Saturday, June 10, 2023

Bok Review: A Room Full of Bones by Elly Griffiths

A Room Full of Bones

Elly Griffiths
Series: Ruth Galloway (Book 4)
Publication: Mariner Books (July 3, 2012)

Description: In this thrilling mystery, “brilliant, feisty, independent” forensic archaeologist Ruth Galloway and DCI Harry Nelson investigate a seemingly cursed collection of Aboriginal skulls that are causing people to die from a mysterious fever—and the next person to fall ill is Nelson himself (Richmond Times-Dispatch).

When Ruth Galloway arrives to supervise the opening of a coffin containing the bones of a medieval bishop, she finds the museum’s curator lying dead on the floor. Soon after, the museum’s wealthy owner is also found dead, in his stables.

DCI Harry Nelson is called in to investigate, thrusting him into Ruth’s path once more. When threatening letters come to light, events take an even more sinister turn. But as Ruth’s friends become involved, where will her loyalties lie? As her convictions are tested, Ruth and Nelson must discover how Aboriginal skulls, drug smuggling, and the mystery of the “Dreaming” hold the answers to these deaths, as well as the keys to their own survival.

My Thoughts: While Ruth is dealing with her soon-to-be one-year-old daughter, she's called to a small museum to witness the opening of the coffin of an ancient bishop whose coffin was discovered during a construction project. She arrives to find the curator dead on the floor.

Meanwhile, Nelson and his team are investigating an increase in the drug trade and having no luck discovering the source of the new drugs. Nelson is also struggling to hold on to his marriage after the revelation that Ruth's daughter Kate is also his daughter. Currently, he has agreed not to see Ruth or Kate again outside of necessary police business.

When Lord Danforth Smith, the wealthy owner of the museum and racehorse trainer, also dies in suspicious circumstances, the case gets more complicated. He has been the target of agitators who want him to return Australian Aboriginal bones collected by his great-grandfather to Australia.

The situation gets even more perilous and complex when Nelson also falls ill. Is it the same curse that fell the curator and Lord Smith? The hospital is baffled and Nelson is near to death when Cathbad decides to go into the Dreaming and bring him back. His illness also causes his wife to got to Ruth to see if she can pull him back to life. 

This story combines drug smuggling, animal rights activists, and repatriation of ancient bones into an engaging mystery. I especially liked the information about the "Dreaming" and the sort of mystical aspects Cathbad, a returning character, added to the complexity of the mystery. 

Favorite Quote:
Slightly more disturbingly, Kate has also started saying 'Dada.' As there's no male person currently standing in this relation to her, she employs a scatter-gun approach and has so far bestowed the title on Ruth's cat, Flint, her grandfather, Cathbad, and the postman. Ruth's father and Cathbad were delighted; Flint and the postman underwhelmed.
I bought this one. You can buy your copy here.

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