Saturday, May 4, 2024

Book Review: Wicked Enchantment by Anya Bast

Wicked Enchantment

Anya Bast
Series: A Dark Magick Novel (Book 1)
Publication: Berkley (January 5, 2010)

Description: First in a new series from the national bestselling author of Witch Fury.

When the Summer Queen of the fae orders Aislinn Finvarra to act as a guide for a half-incubus who is known to possess dark magick and sexual power, she must protect not only her heart, but her very life.

My Thoughts: This fantasy is the first in the Dark Magick series. Aislinn Finvarra is a resident of the Summer Court ruled by the Seelie Summer Queen. She is ordered to be the guide for Gabriel who has come from the Unseelie Court and is petitioning for entry into the Seelie Court. 

Aislinn isn't interested in the Unseelie incubus who has a well-known reputation for seducing women. She is just getting over being jilted by a lover who was just using her in his quest for higher status in the court. Aislinn has been growing bored in the court which emphasizes social events and gossip. She has a Secret.

Gabriel also has a Secret. He has been ordered by the Shadow King to seduce Aislinn into joining his court. The Shadow King claims to have no ill will toward Aislinn but Gabriel doesn't know what he intends for her. Gabriel thinks his task will be easy. After all, he's had centuries seducing women. But Aislinn is a challenge. 

The world building is interesting in this story. The fae have all been rounded up and imprisoned by the Phaendir who are a race of druids. They are mortal enemies of the fae. There are mixed views among the Phaendir. Some are content with keeping the fae imprisoned. While others especially Gideon, a viewpoint character, want the fae all killed. 

There is a book and three talismans that have the key to ending the fae's imprisonment. Aislinn has inherited the book from her father. Because only the Queen practices magic in the Seelie Court, Aislinn has never been taught to use her own magic. The draw of learning her magic is one of the lures Gabriel uses to seduce Aislinn to the Unseelie Court. 

Meanwhile, Gideon is determined to recover the book and the one talisman that has found its way into Piefferburg - the fae prison. And the fae who want to be free are searching for the two talismans they don't already have, and which are somewhere in the human world. 

The main focus of this story - besides the smoldering romance between Gabriel and Aislinn - is the quest to defeat the Shadow King who wants Aislinn dead. 

Favorite Quote:
Dressed head to toe in black, wearing Doc Martens, a pair of faded jeans, and a long coat over a thin crewneck sweater that defined his muscular chest, he seemed to possess every inch of the hallway he tread. He walked with such confidence it gave the illusion he took up more space than was physically possible. 
I bought this one January 12, 2010. You can buy your copy here.

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