Tuesday, September 17, 2024

ARC Review: The Cold Light of Day by Anna Lee Huber

The Cold Light of Day

Anna Lee Huber
Series: Verity Kent Mystery (Book 7)
Publication: Kensington (September 24, 2024)

Description: Remarkable heroine Verity Kent must follow the leads of a dangerous investigation that will pull her into a conspiracy spilling dangerously out onto the streets of Interwar Dublin, Ireland in the next installment of this highly acclaimed series.

June 1920, Ireland: The streets of Dublin seethe with revolution as the Irish Republican Army clashes with British authorities. Roving assassination squads mean nowhere is truly safe, particularly for Verity Kent and her war hero husband, Sidney. Given their celebrity as society darlings and intrepid sleuths, they must tread carefully to go unnoticed—nearly impossible when they are called upon to search for Verity’s fellow spy and friend . . .

Captain Alec Xavier has seemingly vanished after traveling to Dublin to infiltrate the IRA at its highest levels. Doing her best to maintain a modicum of normalcy and stay under the radar of both the rebels and British Intelligence, Verity works undercover by day and waltzes through the city’s elite social scene by night. Still, she fears the worst for Alec—until shocking evidence mounts that not only is he alive, but that he has switched sides . . .

Already disillusioned with the British government, the news leaves Verity and Sidney reeling. Worse, they learn of a conspiracy within Dublin Castle, where personal vendettas are being carried out and sanctioned by British Intelligence under the cover of revolution. With the distinction between friend and foe never more blurred—or the margin for error narrower—Verity and Sidney cannot turn a blind eye. Especially when a familiar adversary appears, bringing a threat almost too terrifying to confront—even in the cold light of day . . .

My Thoughts: Verity Kent and her husband Sidney are headed to Ireland in this seventh book in a series. June 1920 is a very unsettled time in Ireland. Many of the Irish are in revolt and the British government isn't sure how to deal with it but is trying to cover up just how bad things are. 

Verity and Sidney have two missions. First, they are searching for Verity former colleague Alec Xavier who has stopped communicating. Second, they are looking for the canister of phosgene which Lord Ardmore has imported into Ireland - somewhere. 

Once arrived, they are assigned another mission by the Lord Lieutenant: a young upper-class woman was attacked, had her hair shorn, and committed suicide. The Lord Lieutenant wants the perpetrators whom he believes to be member of the IRA found and punished. 

Dodging riots and spies of various types, Verity and Sidney look into all three problems. Along the way, Verity begins to question her government's response to the Ireland problem since it reminds her all to clearly of the German actions in Belgium which she observed firsthand. 

While some things are resolved others are left dangling in this episode. We do find out who murdered the young lady and Alec is discovered. But Lord Ardmore's plans and the phosgene are still unresolved issues. 

This was a very dense story filled with as much confusion as I'm sure the real situation was. Verity and Sidney don't know who to trust or who is working for which cause or side in this twisty tale. 

I received this one in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley. You can buy your copy here.


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