Thursday, September 19, 2024

Audiobook Review: Marque and Reprisal by Elizabeth Moon

Marque and Reprisal

Elizabeth Moon
Narrator: Cynthia Holloway
Series: Vatta's War (Book 2)
Publication: Tantor Audio (December 1, 2008)
Length: 14 hours and 21 minutes

Description: Although the exciting military career she hoped for never got off the ground, Ky Vatta ended up seeing plenty of combat when she took the helm of one of the commercial transport vessels in her family's fleet...and steered it into a full-blown war. Now the lessons she learned in that trial by fire are about to pay off - because this time, the war has come to her. Someone has launched a full-throttle offensive against Vatta Transport Ltd., Ky's father's interstellar shipping empire. In short order, most of Ky's family is killed, and subsequent attacks sever vital lines of communication, leaving Ky fighting, in every sense, to survive.

Ky is determined to identify the ruthless mystery enemy and avenge her family's name, but she needs not only firepower but information. And she gets both in spades - from the band of stranded mercenaries she hooks up with; from her black-sheep cousin, Stella, who has been leading a secret life; and from Stella's roguish ex-lover, Rafe. Together they struggle to penetrate the tangled web of political intrigue that is wreaking havoc within InterStellar Communications, on whose effective operation their own livelihoods - and perhaps lives - depend.

But the infighting proves to be infectious, and it isn't long before Ky's hired military muscle are turning their suspicions on the enigmatic Rafe, whose wealth of knowledge about ISC's clashing factions and startling new technologies has begun to make him smell like a rat...or a mole. With swift, violent destruction a very real possibility, the last thing Ky needs is a crew divided against itself - and she's prepared to take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that Vatta stays in business, as well as in one piece.

What she is not prepared for is the shocking truth behind the terror - and a confrontation with murderous treachery from a source as unexpected as it is unrelenting.

My Thoughts: The second book in the Vatta's War series sees Ky dealing with treachery. She's survived a war but now she has to deal with direct attacks on her family which leaves her parents and uncle among the many Vatta dead. 

Ky has to use her underpowered and old ship to take the war to the enemy - once she identifies who the enemy is. Luckily, her aunt Gracie survived and sent Ky's cousin Stella to her with her father's implant which contains proprietary files and the command codes she'll need it she hopes to restore the Vatta shipping empire. 

Ky also rescues and young cousin who was the only survivor when the Vatta ship upon which he was apprenticing is blown up at dock. 

Stella's arrival also brings Rafe who is a shady character Stella worked with once as an undercover operative for Vatta. Turns out Rafe is also undercover for ISC which has a monopoly on interstellar communications which is also being attacked in this conspiracy. 

When Ky and her ship encounter another relative - Osman Vatta, they soon learn that his grudge against the family and his role as a pirate may have something to do with the reason Vatta was targetted. Osman is determined to capture Ky's ship and seize her implant for its Vatta information. Ky isn't going to let that happen even if she has to go active as a privateer according to the Marque that was sent her from Slotter's Key.

This fast-paced space opera was packed with action. Ky is a great character who is learning a lot about herself as she tries to survive and find her family's enemies. 

I bought this one in Kindle and Audible audiobook recently. I have the paperback in my keeper collection and have had them since 2008. You can buy your copy here.

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