Wednesday, June 12, 2024

ARC Review: A Deceptive Compostion by Anna Lee Huber

A Deceptive Composition

Anna Lee Huber
Series: Lady Darby Mysteries (Book 12)
Publication: Berkley (June 18, 2024)

Description: Lady Kiera Darby and her dashing husband, Sebastian Gage, hope they’ve finally found peace after a tumultuous summer, but long-buried family secrets soon threaten to unravel their lives . . .

October 1832. Kiera is enjoying the slower pace of the English countryside. She, Sebastian, and their infant daughter have accompanied her father-in-law, Lord Gage, home so that he can recuperate from the injuries he sustained in a foiled attempt on his life. But as the chill of autumn sweeps across the land, they receive a summons from an unexpected quarter. Lord Gage’s estranged uncle—a member of the notorious Roscarrock family—has been murdered, and his family is desperate for answers. Despite Lord Gage’s protests, Kiera and Sebastian press on to Cornwall to assist.

It isn’t long before they discover that almost nothing is as it seems among the Roscarrocks, and they’ve been lured to their isolated cove under false pretenses. There are whispers of a lost treasure and frightening allusions to a series of murders stretching back decades that touch the lives of the family personally. Kiera and Sebastian are left with no choice but to uncover the truth before the secrets of the past threaten to destroy them all.

My Thoughts: The twelfth book in the Lady Darby mystery series takes place in 1832. Keira, Sebastian, and their six-month-old daughter are staying with Sebastian's father as he recovers from almost being killed. Things are finally going well with her father-in-law who has finally accepted her. And he is besotted with his granddaughter. 

Then a letter arrives from Lord Gage's estranged family. He learns that his uncle has died in a suspicious manner and his aunt wants them all to come and investigate. Lord Gage left almost fifty years earlier when his choice was to be tried for smuggling or join the Navy. He had a successful Navy career, but he never forgot the betrayal he felt at being sent away. 

Keira and Gage manage to convince him to got to his relatives in Cornwall because they are curious. However, the quickly learn that the bad feelings haven't gone away in fifty years and that everyone is lying to them about one thing or another. 

Besides the smuggling which the family has not abandoned, there is also the question of some hidden treasure that the family wants found and believes that Lord Gage can locate. 

This was an entertaining story with lots of twists and turns and lots of interesting characters. 

Favorite Quote:
"Do you never tire of being impertinent?"

I turned away, unwilling to admit I didn't always understand where that line was. "Not when there's a question to be asked. Not when there's an answer that needs to be given," I replied instead. 
I received this one in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley. You can buy your copy here.

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