Saturday, June 15, 2024

Book Review: Untraceable by Laura Griffin


Laura Griffin
Series: Tracers (Book 1)
Publication: Pocket Books (November 10, 2009)

Description: With a “fast pace, tight plotting, terrific mystery, sharp dialogue, [and] fabulous characters” (Allison Brennan, New York Times bestselling author), this white-knuckled thrill ride follows an expert who helps her clients “disappear”—until she finds herself in the middle of a homicide investigation as the next victim.

Private investigator Alexandra Lovell uses computer skills and cunning to help clients drop off the radar and begin new lives in safety. Melanie Bess, desperate to escape her abusive cop husband, was one of those clients. But when Melanie vanishes for real, Alex fears the worst, and sets out to discover what happened.

Using every resource she can get her hands on—including an elite team of forensic scientists known as the Tracers, and a jaded, sexy Austin PD detective—Alex embarks on a mission to uncover the truth. But as far as homicide cop Nathan Deveraux is concerned, no body means no case. Yet his instincts—and his visceral attraction to Alex—won’t let him walk away.

As a grim picture of what really happened begins to emerge, Nathan realizes this investigation runs deeper than they could ever have guessed. And each step nearer to the truth puts Alex in danger of being the next to disappear.

My Thoughts: Alex Lovell is a private investigator whose bread-and-butter is insurance claims, but her love is helping women in trouble disappear. Melanie Bess needed her help to get away from her abusive husband, and Alex was there for her. But now Melanie has dropped off the radar and Alex's investigations indicate that she has come back to Austin and might have been murdered. 

She goes to Nathan Deveraux who is a detective with the Austin Police Department. He isn't eager to investigate because Alex doesn't have any proof and also because Alex suspects Melanie's husband who is also a member of the Austin Police Department. 

She and Nathan are both investigating but Nathan is also investigating some other murders which may or may not be related to Alex's investigation. 

The story was action-packed and fast-paced. I liked Alex's determination to find her missing client even though she is being followed by bad guys. I liked the Delphi Center which was an interesting private center for forensic investigation. I liked that Alex's computer skills makes her someone Delphi wants to recruit. I also liked the slow burn romance between Nathan and Alex. 

Favorite Quote:
"You want to know the first rule of murder investigation? It's real simple. Have a body."

"I told you, she's--"

"Yeah, I know, she's missing. If your really thing something happened to this girl, you need to get down to the police station and fill out a missing-person report. Get it on record, along with your suspicions about her husband."
I bought this one. You can buy your copy here.

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