Monday, June 17, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (June 17, 2024)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Want to See What I Added to My Stack? links to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

Other Than Reading...

This has been some week. I woke up Tuesday morning to no internet. I live on the internet. I couldn't catch up with Facebook friends. I couldn't listen to my audiobook. I didn't remember what book I was supposed to read after I finished my current one and couldn't check my Google calendar to find out. I had a couple of reviews to write but couldn't get to Blogger. And I couldn't play my computer games. Service wasn't restored until 2:30 PM. 

Then, sometime on Thursday, our refrigerator stopped working. We didn't discover it until Friday morning when my brother noticed that the ice cube bin was full of water. Then, he was off to work, and I had to try to find someone to repair it. I did manage to get a service appointment, but it isn't until Tuesday morning. Luckily, we do have a second refrigerator in our garage. I transferred everything to it but will likely be throwing out almost all of the food that was in the refrigerator freezer. That's the one we used for open packages like three kinds of potatoes, sausage patties, hamburger patties, chicken strips, cheeses, breads, and various partial bags of frozen vegetables and fruit. 

The garage refrigerator is smaller than the one in our kitchen and already had some things in it. It is now packed with at least 8 different kinds of mustard, 7 kinds of salad dressing, 5 kinds of pickles, and a couple dozen other assorted jars of ingredients and condiments along with fruits and vegetables, lunch meats and cheeses. I'm sure some of those things will also end up being thrown away since I'm not sure how long they were sitting without refrigeration, but for now, I just moved them. 

Meal planning for the next few days is a little tricky since we have no room to store any leftovers. This is more a psychological problem than a real one. We do have two freezers filled with food that were not at all affected by the refrigerator problem. It's not like we're going to starve. I'm off to the grocery store soon to get a few things like replacements for the sour cream, Top the Tater, and chip dip which I'll be throwing away. Heavy rain is expected today, and I don't want to get caught out in it. 

I'm looking forward to a much better week than last week (assuming the refrigerator is repaired on Tuesday). I'm planning to finish my July review books. I'm also anticipating the arrival of Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs. I left a spot for it on my calendar and can't wait to read it.

Read Last Week
  • Flamebringer by Elle Katharine White (Mine since 9/7/2022) -- Finale in the Heartstone epic fantasy series. My review will be posted on July 6.
  • One Big Happy Family by Jamie Day (Review; July 16) -- Twisty thriller which takes place at a hotel where the residents are locked in by a hurricane. My review will be posted on July 9.
  • Lake Silence by Anne Bishop (Audiobook reread) 
  • Shades of Mercy by Bruce Borgos (Review; July 16) -- Second Porter Beck thriller. Set in rural Nevada. This one has hackers, all the alphabet agencies, military drones, espionage and drug dealing. My review will be posted on July 9.
  • Fledgling by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (Audiobook reread) -- First in the Theo Waitley story arc.
  • Trouble in Queenstown by Delia Pitts (Review; July 16) -- First Vandy Myrick mystery. Black PI comes home to bigoted Queenstown, NJ, and finds herself involved in a murder investigation when a client's wife is murdered after Vandy has been hired to see if she's cheating on her husband. My review will be posted on July 10.
  • Saltation by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (Audiobook reread) -- Second in the Theo Waitley story arc.
  • The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer (Review; July 16) -- Excellent story. Magical realism. Framed as a fairy tale, this is a story of grief, romance, and magic. My review will be posted on July 11.
  • Ghost Ship by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller (Audiobook reread) -- Third in the Theo Waitley story arc.
Next Week
Reviews Posted
Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?

What was your week like?


  1. Oh wow, what a horrible week for you. It's really amazing what you can't do when the Internet is out. We don't realize how dependent we've become on it. I hope this is a better week. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

  2. Oh, wow! What a terrible week! No Internet...and then the problems with the fridge. Here' s hoping for a better week!

  3. Oh man! I feel you with living on the internet! That's where I blog, that's how I watch's my form of socialization too, plus not to mention working from home! So that is dreadful! And oh man, the refrigerator too? That's not a great start to the week that's for sure. I hope things are looking better this week!

    Nice lineup of reads too! Lots of new to me ones but I hope you end up enjoy them all once you read them!

    Here's my Monday Wrap-up

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Your books all look good Kathy. Sorry you had such a rough week.

  5. What???!!! No internet???!!! And then a broken refrigerator???!!

    Good luck with the refrigerator repair. When my dad's fridge went out on him, the repairman said it would be much cheaper just to get a new one.

  6. Ugh! At first I was surprised you didn't just pull out one of your print books and start reading when your Internet went down, but it's had to pivot immediately when your day is so disrupted and you don't have any idea how long it will be disrupted for.
    I love clearing things out of the freezer and using them up, but my husband loves stocking the freezer with food. If our fridge breaks down, I guess our losses will depend on who has had the upper hand recently!

  7. My fridge packed up yesterday and I almost lost my mind. I know the feeling

  8. I can sympathize with the lost internet-I did too, apparently a wire was damaged and over 50 people in my area got affected, so that wasn't fun. I'm currently reading Winter Lost and I'm loving it, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

  9. No murder like show murder makes me chuckle!

  10. That stinks. Food is so expensive these days. The internet being gone is really inconvenient. Hope you enjoy your books this week. A Deceptive Composition caught my eye. Thanks for visiting my blog Monday.

  11. Oh no! I hope you had a much better week this week! :)


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