Wednesday, June 26, 2024

ARC Review: Dog Day Afternoon by David Rosenfelt

Dog Day Afternoon

David Rosenfelt
Series: Andy Carpenter Mysteries (Book 29)
Publication: Minotaur Books (July 2, 2024)

Description: Paterson, New Jersey’s favorite reluctant lawyer Andy Carpenter returns in Dog Day Afternoon, the next mystery in this fan favorite series from National Bestselling Author David Rosenfelt.

Retired lawyer Andy Carpenter has run the Tara Foundation―the dog rescue organization named after his beloved golden retriever―for years. It's always been his calling, even as Andy's pulled into representing clients in court. His investigator, Marcus Clark, has been at Andy's side for a long time. Even though they've known each other for years, Marcus keeps his personal life a mystery.

So it’s a shock when Marcus arrives at the Tara Foundation with two strangers in tow. Turns out Marcus takes disadvantaged young men under his wing, gets them jobs, a place to live, and a chance at a different life. And they want a dog. Andy’s specialty. One of the young men, Nick Williams, instantly falls in love with one of the dogs, Daisy.

When there’s a mass shooting at Nick’s work, leaving six dead, all signs point to Nick. Marcus, who's never asked Andy for anything, asks Andy for help. Despite Nick's troubled background, Andy trusts his friend and takes the case.

My Thoughts: Andy's next case comes to him via Marcus Clark. Marcus is a scary, competent investigator who has saved Andy's life too often to count. He is also a mentor for young men in need of a boost. Now he comes to Andy to ask him to defend one of his mentees Nick Williams who has been accused of mass murder when he walked into the office where he worked and shot and killed six people. 

Nick claims to have been kidnapped the morning of the massacre and released at a rest stop three days later. 

Andy and his team spring into action and soon discover some insurance fraud going on at the law firm where Nick worked as a gofer, but fraud doesn't mean he couldn't have murdered his co-workers. And those five murders aren't the only ones that happen while Andy and team are trying to find the answers.

Filled with Andy's snark and his co-workers' idiosyncrasies including Sam's desire to emulate Sam Spade rather than confine himself to his accounting business and computer hacking, the story has all the elements of books in the series. 

This was another engaging story in a long-running series. 

Favorite Quote:
"Should I be packing?"

"No, Sam...we're not staying overnight. You don't even need to bring a toothbrush."

"I meant packing a gun."

"I know what you meant, and the answer is still no."
I received this one in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley. You can buy your copy here.

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