Wednesday, June 5, 2024

ARC Review: Ribbon Dance by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller

Ribbon Dance

Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Series: Liaden Universe (Book 27)
Publication: Baen Books (June 4, 2024)

Description: On a world where cake is a necessity, it takes the Grid to protect the civilized and the deaf from the dire influences of the ambient and to keep the chaotic Haosa at bay.

Having arrived at recently Dust-bound Colemeno, Trader Padi yos’Galan is essential to Master Trader Shan yos’Galan’s plan to recoup Clan Korval’s fortunes by establishing new routes for the clan’s tradeship. Shan’s inner Healer insists Padi come to terms with her as-yet unplumbed psychic abilities, which might place her in the top tier of dramliz, if she can learn control.

Padi yearns to concentrate on trade, but Colemeno’s fey ambient and deadly long-term politics combine to bring her face-to-face with the Haosa, and in particular with the mysterious and untouchable Tekelia, as Korval’s trade mission’s necessity of a port audit collide with a cruel history of murder, deception, and brutality. Amid the dangers, Padi unexpectedly finds herself eagerly exploring her dramliz side when faced with the unspoken powers of the ambient, the sky-filling energy of the ribbon dance, and Tekelia’s mutable eyes.

My Thoughts: This twenty-seventh book in the Liaden universe is the direct sequel to TRADER'S LEAP. It takes place on Colemeno and is about the Dutiful Passage and its traders looking to find new profitable trade opportunities for Clan Korval. 

Colemeno was settled long ago by exiled Small Talents from Liad. Their escape was aided by Clan Korval and Clan Ixin. The planet is in the Ambient which has a powerful magnifying effect on those with talents. The Ambient almost caused the settlement to fail since many of the talents couldn't survive in the face of that much power. It led to the development of a grid which buffered the Ambient. Those who live under the grid are determined to be Civilized. Those who can survive without the grid and have wild talents are the Haosa. And those without talents are called the Deaf and are only recently allowed an equal place in society. 

This story is told in part by the Councilor for the Deaf Majel ziaGorn who is determined to better the lot of his people even while some other council members really want to revert to the old times when the Deaf were under the control of the talents. Currently, Deaf businesses are seeing a rash of attacks that were under the legal limit but considered mischief which is building a potential revolution among the Deaf.

Majel volunteers to be the liaison for the trade mission to help them with their work and to let them know about local custom. Meanwhile, the trade mission is facing some obstacles too. Pressure from the kezlBlythes to send business their way is an obstacle to be overcomes. Especially since the kezlBlythes aren't shy about using their talents to pressure and intimidate and even murder. 

And Padi, besides her work as a trader opening up a new port, is dealing with her own talents and a new relationship with Tekelia who is the Speaker for the Haosa. 

This was another excellent entry into the long-running Liaden Universe series. It is filled with great worldbuilding and wonderful characters. 

Favorite Quote:
"I accept your gift of information. In return, I offer a list of the most untrustworthy trade banks, cargo agents, and bars along the Iverson Loop."

"I accept," Padi said, adding truthfully, "A handsome gift." Trader Isfelm waggled her fingers.

"Only a list of mistakes already made. There's no need to make them again." Padi laughed.

"Very true! Especially when there are perfectly terrifying new errors out there awaiting our attention."
I bought the eARC from Baen books. You can buy your copy here.

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