I read a lot of good books this month. My favorites on the young adult side were Hunger and Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler. My favorite adult book this month is a tie between Timeless by Gail Carriger and Celebrity in Death by J. D. Robb. Eight of the books I read were books that I had received for review. My favorite among them was Between the Duke and the Deep Blue Sea by Sophia Nash.
The only challenges I am doing this year are TBR challenges. Four of the books I read were from my TBR stack.
I added books to my TBR stack too. I was doing all right and being conservative and responsible in my book purchases until the last week in February. I added 21 books this week (so far) for a total of 55 additions to my TBR mountain this month. Ten of them were new books for review. Forty-six are still unread. My To Read collection has grown to 1299 books. You can see the whole list here.
How was your month?

19 is awesome! Happy March reading!