Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Audiobook Review: Wait Until Midnight by Amanda Quick

Wait Until Midnight

Amanda Quick
Narrator: Louisa Jane Underwood
Publication: Recorded Books (July 9, 2015)
Length: 10 hours and 33 minutes

Description: The sins of Adam Hardesty’s past have been discovered. And if he does not hunt down his blackmailer quickly, his secrets will be revealed to all. But there is an obstacle in his way: sensation novelist Caroline Fordyce. She knows that Adam’s quest for justice could shatter her own reputation—and mire her family in lethal scandal. And she fears what he may find....

Together, they will navigate the shadow side of London, venturing into an underworld of cutthroats, connivers, and illusionists. And as the mystery grows ever deeper and the danger circles ever closer, they must guard not only their secrets but their lives and hearts as well.

My Thoughts: This historical romance, written in 2004, introduces sensation novelist Caroline Fordyce and Adam Hardesty, a man with a talent for secrets. Adam is searching for a diary which would expose secrets of his past and potentially destroy the reputations of his three siblings. Caroline is researching her next novel by learning about psychical research and spiritualists. 

When the medium who conducted a seance attended by Caroline and her aunts is brutally murdered, Adam comes to her to find out what she knows since the murdered medium was blackmailing him about the missing diary. 

With Caroline's guidance, she and Adam begin to explore the world of psychical research and find themselves targets for a villain or two from that world. And along the way, they fall in love.

This was an engaging story with strong, independent characters. The dialog was witty. The romance built slowly. I enjoyed it and enjoyed Louisa Jane Underwood's narration.

I bought the ebook for this one. The Audible version was available as a part of my subscription. You can buy your copy here.

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