Saturday, July 27, 2024

Book Review: Always Time to Die by Elizabeth Lowell

Always Time to Die

Elizabeth Lowell
Series: St. Kilda (Book 1)
Publication: Avon; Revised ed. edition (March 17, 2009)

Description: The sensational New York Times bestselling author of The Color of Death is back with an exhilarating novel of danger, romance, and suspense

Carolina May—Carly to her friends—never knew her biological family. Ironic, considering she a successful family historian. Recently hired by the eccentric aunt of New Mexico’s multi-millionaire governor Quintrell, the future looks bright. Until things start going wrong . . . and Carly begins to learn the true meaning of fear.

Daniel Duran made a career out fighting for other people’s beliefs—principles they’d given their lives for. But now he wants some meaning of his own. Yearning for a reason to live, he’s come back to Taos, the town where he grew up.

Soon, the lawyer(?) and the historian’s paths cross. While Carly’s investigation into the Quintrell family amuses Dan it also chills him, because he knows a dark truth Carly doesn’t: in New Mexico, tracing bloodlines is a deadly sport. . . .

My Thoughts: ALWAYS TIME TO DIE was an excellent romantic suspense title. Carly May is a family historian who was hired to write the story of the family of the Governor of New Mexico. His eccentric aunt hired her. She wants her to concentrate on the Castillo family - the female line. The Governor, who is soon to be running for President, is not at all encouraging. He apparently has secrets to keep about his twisted family tree.

Daniel Duran is home to recover from an injury to his leg gained on a job for St. Kilda Consulting. He is also quietly looking into drug trafficking in the area for his employer. He knows what a twisted situation Carly is going to find and develops an unexpected desire to keep her safe.

From dead rats on pillows, to vandalized cars, and bricks heaved through windows, Dan and Carly have to deal with someone who really wants to scare Carly away from her task of writing that family history. 

I really enjoyed all the interesting details about genealogy that were woven into this story. I liked that both Carly and Dan were competent adults with lots of things in common. The story was fast-paced and filled with action. I also thought the romance was realistic. 

Favorite Quote:
"Yeah. No matter how many times my nose was rubbed in it, I still acted like I was on vacation."

"You've been shot, had a brick heaved through your living room window, suffered a sneering sheriff, been drugged until you yakked up your toenails, and twice drew a gun with every intention of shooting someone. Which part of that qualifies as a vacation?"
I bought this one August 3, 2023. You can buy your copy here.

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