Monday, December 4, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (Dec. 4, 2017)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I will be combining my YA and adult reading and purchases on this one weekly roundup. YA and middle grade reviews will still be posted on  Ms. Martin Teaches Media - my other blog.

Other Than Reading...

This was another quiet week. The only necessary trip out of the house this week was a doctor's appointment with my new doctor in Duluth. I also did a few other errands like the grocery store, Walmart, and the mall for some walking but was otherwise occupied here at home. I have had my new car for a month now and have put less than 200 miles on it. The weather this week was warmer than normal for this time of the year and most of our snow is melted. Both of those things are forecast to change next week with dropping temperatures and the possibility of snow on Monday.

I wrote and published my State of the Stack post which I do each month to keep track of my review books.

According to my Reading Log, I have read 238 books so far this year. I had read 254 books by the end of November last year. In 2015, I had read 296 books by the end of November. I read 28 books in November with 17 of them being books that I owned. I have been trying to choose books from my physical YA shelves when I have an opening on Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Here's what those shelves look like as of Dec. 2:

I added 44 books to my collection in November. 39 of them are still unread. 26 of them are review books which will be read closer to each one's publication date. 40 of the books I added were Kindle books.

Read Last Week
  • The House on Tradd Street by Karen White was an excellent mystery with ghosts. I liked it enough that I bought the rest of the series. My review will be posted on Dec. 23.
  • Firebrand by A. J. Hartley is a fantasy mystery set in a world based on South Africa. It was also excellent. My review will be posted on Dec. 22.
  • Death Below Stairs by Jennifer Ashley continued my trend of reading excellent mysteries. This one is historical taking place in Victorian England and starring a cook for upper class families. My review will be posted on Dec. 28.
  • A Soupcon of Poison by Jennifer Ashley is a novella which introduces the characters in Death Below Stairs. No review on the blog.
  • Venturess by Betsy Cornwell is a YA fantasy. It is the sequel to Mechanica and continues the steampunk goodness. My review will be posted on Dec. 29.
  • Dragon Blood by Eileen Wilks finished my December review calendar. This is the latest in a long-running urban fantasy series. My review will be posted on Dec. 30.
Unearthed by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner - YA review releasing on Jan. 9
A Wedding at Two Love Lane by Kieran Kramer - review releasing on Jan. 2

Next Week
A Mortal Likeness by Laura Joh Rowland - review releasing Jan. 9
The Turncoat's Gambit by Andrea Cremer - YA TBR mountain
The English Wife by Lauren Willig - review releasing Jan. 9
Arclight by Josin L. McQuein - YA TBR mountain since 2013
What Doesn't Kill You by Aimee Hix - review releasing Jan. 8
A Treacherous Curse by Deanna Raybourn - review releasing Jan. 16
Vampire Academy: A Graphic Novel by Richelle Mead; adapted by Leigh Dragoon - YA TBR mountain since 2014
Frostbite: A Graphic Novel by Richelle Mead; adapted by Leigh Dragoon - YA TBR mountain since 2014
Shadow Kiss: A Graphic Novel by Richelle Mead; adapted by Leigh Dragoon - YA TBR mountain since 2014

Reviews Posted

On Ms. Martin Teaches Media:
Albert Einstein by Kathleen Krull
Charles Darwin by Kathleen Krull

On Inside of a Dog:
No Place Like You by Emma Douglas
Pathways edited by Mercedes Lackey

Want to See What I Added to My Stack Last Week?

New YA:
  • Heartless by Marissa Meyer was a Kindle Daily Deal this week. I had been trying to decided whether or not I wanted to buy it and the new lower price tipped my meter to "buy."
  • The Tombs by Deborah Schaumberg was offered to me for review. This historical fantasy sounded good. The release date is Feb. 20.
  • Tempests and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce showed up on my auto-approvals at NetGalley this week. I have already ordered the finished book but having a review copy means that I'll be able to read this one sooner. It will be released on Feb. 6.
New Purchases:
New Review:
These three are all from a publisher - Midnight Ink - who is new to me and who offers their books through NetGalley. I got an email about the first one and then discovered the other two when I was browsing thier other offerings.
What was your week like?


  1. Glad I'm not the only one who tends to accumulate books on the eReader. It's so easy to add new books when they don't take up physical space!

  2. 238 books this year?! WOW, Kathy! That is awesome!

  3. LOVE your bookcase and the number of books you read this year...CONGRATS!!

    Now that you are retired, I am sure that number will be even higher for next year. :)

    Our weather has been unseasonably warm too, but is to change as yours is.

    Have a good week, Kathy.

  4. I do feel good about adding e-books, as they don't topple onto me like print books might...LOL.

    I loved the Tradd Street series. Enjoy your books, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. That's an amazing number of books read!! Wow!! I see that you have a Deanna Raybourn review coming up - I love all her books, and the Veronica Speedwell series is so much fun! Happy Reading!

    Here's what's on my list this week:

  6. Wow-238 books, thats pretty great!! I just sent Jennifer Ashley a Christmas card, I so enjoy your posts!! Have a great week!

  7. I admire your organization and I love all of your books!

  8. Love the bookcase pic! Nice. And 238 books- wow!

    I think Death Below Stairs and Unearthed both look quite good.

  9. I am always amazed at how much reading you get through. I want to read the House on Tradd street and it must be good if you bought the whole series once you'd finished the first one.

  10. Wow, that's an impressive amount of books read. I'm currently at 121 for the year and hoping to hit 125 before it's over.

  11. Ooh nice! You're doing very good with your challenge! I don't know if I've ever made it to 200 books. Maybe some odd years ago, but that was likely when I was still job hunting! Lol!

    Happy Reading!

    Here's my Monday Wrap-up

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  12. I can't wait for the new Kelley Armstrong!!

    Death Below Stairs looks really good too. I love upstairs/downstairs type stories, and that looks like it fits the bill!

    Have a great week!

  13. Although last week was a busier than normal reading week for me, over all my reading has slowed from last year. I'm getting ready for the new year. Come see what I'm looking forward to and what I'm reading now.

  14. You had a great year and all those upcoming books look wonderful. Enjoy!

  15. Those VA graphic novels look amazing. I should check those out. And I'm totally jealous of Tempests and Slaughter! Tamora Pierce is a long time favourite of mine! I hope you have a great reading week and a great week in general. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  16. What an amazing list of books. I hope you enjoy them all!


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