Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Book Review: Unleashed by David Rosenfelt


David Rosenfelt
Series: Andy Carpenter (Book 11)
Publication: Minotaur Books; 1st edition (July 23, 2013)

Description: Andy Carpenter's accountant, Sam Willis, is stunned to receive a phone call out of the blue from Barry Price, a high school friend he hasn't spoken to in years, pleading for help with something too frightening to discuss on the phone. Barry needs Sam's financial acumen and lawyer Andy Carpenter's legal expertise—and he needs them immediately. But when Sam almost runs over an injured dog lying in the road on the way to Barry's house, he can't drive off without waiting for help to arrive. By the time Sam makes it, Barry's already taken off on a private airplane headed who-knows-where.

Assuming their help is no longer needed, Sam and Andy turn their full attention to helping the dog Sam found recover from his injuries. Then they learn that Barry's plane has crashed, and they come to the terrifying realization that Sam was also supposed to have been killed on that plane. Barry was in far more serious trouble than either of them knew, and for Sam and Andy, the trouble is only beginning.

Unleashed, David Rosenfelt's next Andy Carpenter mystery, is a thrilling read, full of Rosenfelt's trademark clever plotting, humor, and engaging prose.

My Thoughts: In the eleventh Andy Carpenter mystery, it is his friend Sam Willis who is in need of Andy's professional skills. 

After a call for help from an old friend, Sam heads to Barry Price's house. His arrival is delayed when he hits a dog and needs to wait until help can arrive for the dog. His late arrival means missing Barry who dies in a plane crash - a plane Sam was supposed to be on with him. 

When Barry's wife - Sam's high school girlfriend - is arrested, Sam asks Andy to defend her. But there is a twist. She claims that she's been having an affair with Sam and Sam is the one who killed Barry. Now, Sam's on trial until Andy can figure out the whole thing which happens to lead to plans for mass terrorism on Memorial Day.

I like Andy who is snarky and work-averse but who will do anything for his friends. Sam's new dog whom he names Crash was also a nice companion for Andy's Tara. 

Favorite Quote:
"Well, I think I may have a new client for you."

Sam says this with an expression and tone in his voice that indicate he thinks he is giving me good news. "Yippee skippee," I say.
I bought this one November 2, 2022. You can buy your copy here.

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