Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Audiobook Review: The Body in the Attic by Judi Lynn

The Body in the Attic

Judi Lynn
Narrator: Devon Sorvari
Series: A Jazzi Zanders Mystery (Book 1)
Publication: Vibrance Press (July 2, 2019)
Length: 8 hours and 47 minutes

Description: Welcome to River Bluffs, Indiana, a cozy small town populated with charming homes, close-knit families, and the occasional deadly secret....

House-flipper Jazzi Zanders and her cousin Jerod have found their latest project. The property, formerly owned by the late Cal Juniper, is filled with debris that must be cleared before the real renovation begins. But a trip to the attic reveals something more disturbing than forgotten garbage - a skeleton wearing a locket and rings that Jazzi recognizes....

Tests confirm that the bones belong to Jazzi’s aunt Lynda, who everyone assumed moved to New York years ago after breaking up with Cal. Soon enough, the whole family is involved, sifting through memories and rumors as they try to piece together what really happened to Lynda - and the baby she gave up for adoption. In between investigating and remodeling, Jazzi is falling for the old house’s charms - and for her gorgeous contractor, Ansel. But with surprises lurking in every nook and cranny, a killer might be waiting to demolish her dreams for good....

My Thoughts: The first Jazzi Zanders mystery introduces house flipper Jazzi, her partner and cousin Jerod, and their contractor Ansel. Their next project is the house once owned by Cal Juniper who was engaged to Jazzi's aunt Lynda before she ran off to New York.

The house, which had been inherited by his nephews after his death, had been a rental property which was trashed by the renter's. Jazzi and Jerod were happy to get a deal on the property. However, they weren't expecting to discover the body of Aunt Lynda in a chest in the attic when they began cleaning out the trash. 

Finding the body did a lot to relieve her mother's mind. She hadn't believed that her sister would leave and never contact her. But the question became: who murdered Lynda?

Jazzi finds herself working closely with the police detective assigned to the case because she knows so many of the suspects. In fact, many of them are related to her or Cal. Things get even more complicated when a second body is discovered when they are excavating near the septic tank. This time the body is that of Lynda's son - the baby she gave up for adoption when she had fled the town earlier. 

Between her investigations with the police detective, renovating Cal's house, and falling for her contractor Ansel who is having relationship problems with his long-time girlfriend, Jazzi has plenty to keep herself busy. 

This was an entertaining cozy mystery. I liked the way Devon Sorvari narrated the story. I'm also eager to read more books in this series since this is only the first. 

I bought this one from Chirp December 30, 2023. You can buy your copy here.

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