Thursday, July 6, 2023

Audiobook Review: The Jackal's Head by Elizabeth Peters

The Jackal's Head

Elizabeth Peters
Narrator: Grace Conlin
Publication: Blackstone Audio (January 16, 2007)
Length: 6 hours and 34 minutes

Description: Althea Tomlinson's ostensible reason for returning to Egypt is to chaperone a spoiled teenager through this fabulous desert land. The truth is more complex . . . and dangerous. Ten years ago, something that happened here brought about her father's ruin and subsequent death—and Althea intends to clear her disgraced parent's name and finally lay a dark past to rest. But there are some mysteries best left buried in the shifting sands, and a devoted daughter's search for answers is stirring up forgotten memories almost too painful to endure, that propel her onward among ancient tombs, legendary treasures, miraculous discoveries . . . and ever-closer to her own threatened doom.

My Thoughts: This romantic suspense title was a reread for me. I likely read this one more than 40 years ago. Since I saw it as an Audible Plus title, I decided to listen to it this time.

Althea Tomlinson grew up in Egypt where her father was an archaeologist. She left when she was fifteen and her father died in an accident shortly afterwards. But when a letter comes from an Egyptian who worked with her father, she feels she needs to go back and find some answers and get some closure.

Not having the funds to travel on her own, she eagerly takes the job of chaperoning a spoiled teenager who is on her way to Egypt to rendezvous with her father who is a wealthy collector of antiquities. Her attempts to remain incognito are ruined when she meets a couple of her father's colleagues - men she blames for her father's disgrace - and finds herself moving in with them after an attack. 

There is a hidden tomb, antiquities thieves, and a growing romance. The story was told through Tommy's voice and viewpoint. I was reminded a lot of the author's Amelia Peabody series but mainly I think because of the character of one of the archaeologists. Of course the setting is the same though this is a contemporary story rather than historical fiction. 

It was an entertaining story to listen to. It was also a pleasure to revisit the story after such a long time. I enjoyed it this time too. 

I got this one through Audible Plus. You can buy your copy here.

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